Help protect the website from attackers or bad actors, by identifying, preventing, or mitigating security vulnerabilities.


ZENCAPTCHA protects forms from abuse by bots and unfair users. Reduces spam, blocks fake and disposable email addresses and increases your user base quality without the use of cookies. GDPR compliant.

Coming Soon Mode

comingsoon form

Coming Soon Mode module provides an easy setup for a "coming soon" landing page, It activates a temporary site mode, limiting access to anonymous users, chosen roles while presenting customizable content, complete with a dynamic countdown timer.

Deactivate Users

Security best practices (and indeed the NIST 800-53 security controls) require users who have not used a system in a defined period of time to be deactivated (blocked, in Drupal parlance.)

Twilio OTP login

This module converts existing Drupal login form to OTP login using Twilio SMS gateway. User can provide mobile number and after receiving OTP, provide the OTP in next page.


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