Help protect the website from attackers or bad actors, by identifying, preventing, or mitigating security vulnerabilities.


captchetat demo

This module seamlessly integrates the CaptchEtat API into Drupal, empowering government websites adhering to DSFR standards with enhanced security measures.

Uploaded File Filename Randomizer

This module renames all uploaded files to a random string comprised of characters a-z and 0-9.
The original extension will be kept.

Azure OAuth Client SSO

Azure OAuth Client SSO

OAuth Login - [azure_oauth_sso] module allows users residing at OAuth 2.0 capable of providing OAuth to log in to your Drupal website.

Custom Admin URL

Little module for restrict Back office path by URL.

OwnID Passwordless login

An easy and secure passwordless add-on for your website.
OwnID is a passwordless add-on for your Drupal website. The authentication flow is web-based and doesn't require you to install an app. Our complete end-to-end platform works cross-OS, cross-device, and cross-domain. It supports Passkeys out of the box.

Notification Update Nodes

With Notifications Update Nodes, you can effortlessly configure email notifications to be sent to your inbox whenever a piece of content is updated.


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