Improve the real or perceived speed of the site, or monitor performance metrics.

Drupal WinCache

A sandbox project clone of with the goal of inclusion as a full project.


HTTPRL Spider uses the excellent HTTP Parallel Request & Threading Library to perform an internal cache seeding spider via Drush. This is not a module, it's a command line call that can be used to effectively rebuild all Entity Cache and Boost cache files for an entire site. By default it will spider all known, front-facing entities in a site with a single call. It also has some hooks to allow for adding additional non entity paths to target (such as views and other menu paths).


Just run drush dl httprl_spider to get the latest version; it's a drush plugin.

Simplest example

drush cc all
drush hss --nonblocking

This will clear all caches and then issue nonblocking requests for all front-facing entity paths. This has performance implications so make sure that you run this as part of a nightly job and not all the time (especially on larger sites) as this is effectively a self-imposed denial of service attack. A bit safer call is drush hss which issues the calls but sequentially and yet more reasonable is drush hss node to have it only spider nodes on the site.

Another common call


Adds module enabling per machine environment to the env project.

Akamai Edge-control

Support for Akamai's Edge-control header.

This module provides the following:


Kraken is a robust, ultra-fast image optimizer.

This module allows image files to be optimised using the webservice.

Stash sandbox

Node type, node alias, unit, support, omnipresent static asset management on a by-theme basis.


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