Help transfer content and data into or out of the site, by migration, backup, or exposing data to external systems.

HTML import

HTML import logo

This module is to divide one single large HTML document into a structured Drupal book where the heading level hierarchy is respected. This module works with HTML exported from Word; HTML document converted from PDF as well as HTML document exported from Adobe InDesign. The purpose of this module is to make provide an alternative for legacy documents to meet meet WCAG accessibility requirements. By converting the documents into HTML, it also makes full-text search easier.


The WHMCS MODULE fully integrates the WHMCS API into a Drupal website making all information in whmcs available to a Drupal website.


This module provides central server endpoints for TabShop JSON Interface to he

Migrate OAI-PMH

The Migrate OAI-PMH module provides a migrate source class you can use when importing
data from a OAI-PMH provider.


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