Extend the structure of the site by way of content models, data storage, field types, and navigation, so it is more understandable to users.

EMS Booking

Feature module that creates the EMS Booking content type and corresponding taxonomy.

Link to entity

This Drupal module provides two field formatter for displaying entity reference field.

Product Gallery Formatter

This module include simple plugin that is only compatible with Drupal 8 for formatting image field view as gallery, it is very useful in case of product images to show in gallery view with zoomer a


The DDNS module provides a built in way to update and manage dozens of built-in DDNS providers automatically using Drupal's cron.

Taxonomy MaxDepth

Simple module for limiting on the maximum taxonomy tree depth user can have.

WP-like admin

Make the Drupal admin panel look a little bit like Wordpress.
This is useful for showing the aggregated sidebar menu for content managers and using the admin menu (or smth) for admins.


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