Enhance the site so that visitors can directly interact with it or among each other, enabling things like user-generated content, comments, voting, chat, or forms for data collection and interaction.

Flag AJAX Confirm

Flag module provides several link types, including a handy confirmation form.

Mechanical Tutor

The Mechanical Tutor module provides means for building, presenting and evaluating script-generated questions.

What does the module do?

For end users (learners)

Mechanical Tutor allows you to practice exercises of a certain type, such as adding fractions or learning German words for days and months. The questions may vary slightly (different numbers or week days/months) but they only vary within a set pattern. The questions will never end, so you can practice until you feel that you have mastered this type of question. Both you and your teacher can
track your progress.

For end users (teachers)

Flipcard - nodes made into flashcards

This project allows users to create flashcards based on complete nodes. It automatically makes flashcards shown less-and-less often as you get them right, by implemeting spaced-repetition with the Leitner box algorithm.


The administrator creates two nodes:

  • one with the title "London", which contains the text "What is the capital of England?".
  • another with the title "Paris", which contains the text "What is the capital of France?".
  1. The user goes to http://[yoursite]/?q=flipcard/random and is shown one of the nodes without the title of the node being displayed, so that they see the question but not the answer. A button with the text "Show Answer" is displayed.
  2. When the user clicks this, the node title (= the correct answer) is displayed in the node body. Two new buttons, are now displayed, "I was right!" and "I was wrong!". The results of whether or not the user got this node correct or not are stored in order to make those which the user got wrong appear more frequently.

Demo website


Simple module that provides Cloze question type to quiz module.

A cloze test (also cloze deletion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of text with certain words removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing words. Cloze tests require the ability to understand context and vocabulary in order to identify the correct words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a text. This exercise is commonly administered for the assessment of native and second language learning and instruction.

Example :
A language teacher may give the following passage to students:

Today, I went to the ________ and bought some milk and eggs. I knew it was going to rain, but I forgot to take my ________, and ended up getting wet on the way ________.

Check out this blog post, Cloze module for Drupal Quiz to see the usage and know how you can make the best use of this module.



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