Assist with aspects of running an online store, such as product management and display, shopping carts, inventory management, fulfillment, payments, taxes, and shipping.

Drupal Commerce Judopay Integration

Judopay integration for the Drupal Commerce payment and checkout system. Supports the Judo Responsive off site redirect payment type.

Commerce Bagatelles

bagatelle |ˌbagəˈtɛl| noun:
"something regarded as too unimportant to be worth much consideration"

Commerce Bank Account on File

Commerce Bank Account on File provides an API and user interface for storing and reusing bank account data on subsequent orders within Drupal Commerce.

Commerce Checkout paths

Commerce Checkout paths

This module allow users to create a custom paths for Drupal commerce checkout pages(make it more "friendly" rather default "checkout/ID/PAGE_ID").


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