Configure the layout and format of content and data presented to site visitors.

Auto Expire D7

See -this module has been made available as the D7 branch there.

Location Node Inherit

Screenshot from a Spanish project.


This module offers you a list of pre-defined locations when creating/editing a node, based on locations for the user.

AFW - Available for work

Screenshot of the output, which reads "Available for Work?" And the response: "Not right now"

This module provides a basic block that will let you tell others if you are available for work. You can change the block title and the phrasing that appears from the block configuration page.

Webform tokenfield

The component edit form

A webform component to display or store values to a webform submission, that were solely derived by processing a token.

Image field slideshow

Uses jquery cycle to output an image field with multiple entries as a slideshow.


  • clean up code and output
  • Add more configuration possibilities


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