Empower site builders and administrators with no-code tools to setup, enhance, configure, or maintain the site.

Admin Panel

Admin panel actually is a brief site management module, for unprofessional admins which has widgets like:


HTTPRL Spider uses the excellent HTTP Parallel Request & Threading Library to perform an internal cache seeding spider via Drush. This is not a module, it's a command line call that can be used to effectively rebuild all Entity Cache and Boost cache files for an entire site. By default it will spider all known, front-facing entities in a site with a single call. It also has some hooks to allow for adding additional non entity paths to target (such as views and other menu paths).


Just run drush dl httprl_spider to get the latest version; it's a drush plugin.

Simplest example

drush cc all
drush hss --nonblocking

This will clear all caches and then issue nonblocking requests for all front-facing entity paths. This has performance implications so make sure that you run this as part of a nightly job and not all the time (especially on larger sites) as this is effectively a self-imposed denial of service attack. A bit safer call is drush hss which issues the calls but sequentially and yet more reasonable is drush hss node to have it only spider nodes on the site.

Another common call


Adds module enabling per machine environment to the env project.

Protected Pages

Module description

Protected Pages modules allows the administrator to secure any page by password.

Webform Extended (Ext JS) Table

This project adds a new tab to the Results of a Webform. It provides an Ext JS-based grid to view and directly edit Webform submissions.

As of now, I have only tested this module on Drupal 7.x using Webform 4.x. It might work on Webform 3.x, however.

To use this module, obtain the module directory (webform_extended_table) and contained files and directories (via git) and place in your sites/all/modules directory.

Since this module also requires Ext JS to render the table, you must download that separately from the Sencha Ext JS site. I have only tested the module against Ext JS ver. 4.2.1. The download from Sencha will contain a top-level directory named ext- (or some equivalent). Place that directory in your sites/all/libraries folder, and rename that top-level directory "extjs".

Once the module is enabled, create a Webform with submissions. Then in the admin, go to the Webform and click on the "Results" tab. There you will find a new sub-tab named "ExtJS - Table". Click on that sub-tab to view and edit the submissions in an Ext JS dynamic grid. You must be logged in with proper permissions for viewing and editing to use those functionalities.

HTTP Response Headers


This module allows to set HTTP response headers (both standard and non-standard) on pages by various visibility rule settings. Currently the headers can be set by path, content type and user role.

Use cases

case 1: Set 'Cache-Control' or 'Expires' header to set/reset cache behaviour of browser/cache servers.
case 2: Set 'X-Frame-Options' to restrict your pages rendering on a frame.
case 3: Set 'WWW-Authenticate' to set authentication to pages.


  1. Configure list of allowed headers
  2. Exclude non-functional pages (e.g. Admin pages) globally
  3. Drush extension to cover all functionality
  4. Page level header rule caching
  5. Export/import (using Ctool) header rules from an inc file (MODULE.http_response_headers_default_rule.inc) or hook implementation (hook_http_response_headers_default_rule())

Known problems

  1. The calculation for certain headers (e.g. Expires) happens internally and end user may not aware of it. So entering 600 in expires header value change to ISO date format of 5 minutes from current time.
  2. Doesn't work well with Drupal page cache


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