@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 12-Aug-2019 The <channel> element created by views RSS is no longer rendered during preprocessing
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 12-Aug-2019 drupal_get_user_timezone() is no longer necessary
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 09-Aug-2019 Migrations can now opt into validation for content entities
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 08-Aug-2019 jQuery updated to version 3.4 (3.4.1)
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 06-Aug-2019 The signature of the constructor of Drupal\file\FileUsage\DatabaseFileUsageBackend has changed.
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 06-Aug-2019 wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin removed in favor of a path repository
8.8.x / 8.8.0 02-Aug-2019 Content moderation will no longer force new revisions on entities that have been flagged as 'syncing'
8.8.x / 8.8.0 31-Jul-2019 New element_plugin_alter() hook
8.8.x / 8.8.0 31-Jul-2019 Search block has new setting for search page
8.8.x / 8.8.0 29-Jul-2019 HelpSection plugins now can have weight for order
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 26-Jul-2019 Calling ContentEntityStorageBase::doLoadMultipleRevisionsFieldItems() directly is deprecated.
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 26-Jul-2019 file_directory_temp() is deprecated and moved to the FileSystem service
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-Jul-2019 \Drupal\Core\Cache\Apcu4Backend is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-Jul-2019 file_scan_directory() has been moved to the file_system service
8.7.x / 8.7.6 24-Jul-2019 Entity storage method ::restore() no longer calls preSave on entities or their fields
8.7.x / 8.7.0 19-Jul-2019 New reverse proxy settings format introduced in Drupal 8.7.0 for Symfony 4 compatibility
8.8.x / 8.8.0 19-Jul-2019 Renderer service injected into several classes and services
8.8.x / 8.8.0 12-Jul-2019 Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::drupalGetHeaders() method is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 12-Jul-2019 Deprecated ThemeHandlerInterface install() and uninstall()
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 12-Jul-2019 Deprecated MigrateUpgradeTestBase removed
8.7.x / 8.7.6 12-Jul-2019 The UpdateKernel removes services with unmet dependencies from the container
8.3.x / 8.3.0 11-Jul-2019 NodeTypeInterface::isNewRevision() has been deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 11-Jul-2019 Event is dispatched before configuration import and export to transform the configuration
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 10-Jul-2019 Introduce Drupal Scaffold Composer plugin
8.8.x / 8.8.0 10-Jul-2019 Modules can now declare their Drupal 8 upgrade status
8.8.x / 8.8.0 10-Jul-2019 Asset libraries in *.libraries.yml can now be marked as deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 10-Jul-2019 Kernel tests that perform no assertions are now marked as risky
8.8.x / 8.8.0 05-Jul-2019 Render callbacks must be a closure or implement TrustedCallbackInterface or RenderCallbackInterface
8.8.x / 8.8.0 03-Jul-2019 Objects returned by getMessageIterator() now include source and destination IDs
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 01-Jul-2019 The 'summary' field for a Text with Summary widget can now be marked as required
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 28-Jun-2019 Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase and Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase implement ContainerFactoryPluginInterface
8.8.x / 8.8.0 28-Jun-2019 Additional "getOriginalState" method added to the moderation information service and ModerationInformationInterface
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-Jun-2019 The sync directory is defined in $settings and not $config_directories
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 20-Jun-2019 The BackendChain constructor parameter is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 17-Jun-2019 The composer/composer package is now a development requirement for Drupal core
8.8.x / 8.8.0 13-Jun-2019 Formatting guidelines visual styles removed from filter module
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 13-Jun-2019 Exposed filters can now limit which operator they expose
8.8.x / 8.8.0 13-Jun-2019 \Drupal\system\SystemRequirements::phpVersionWithPdoDisallowMultipleStatements() is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 10-Jun-2019 New file_size variable in file-link.html.twig
8.8.x / 8.8.0 09-Jun-2019 Passing a File entity as the first argument to assertFileExists and assertFileNotExists is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 03-Jun-2019 ConfigImporter now takes the module extension list as a constructor parameter
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 02-Jun-2019 \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\LinkBase now requires the EntityManager and Language manager
8.0.x / 8.0.0 02-Jun-2019 db_* procedural functions of the Database API layer have been deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 02-Jun-2019 Several file uri/scheme functions deprecated and moved to \Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\StreamWrapperManagerInterface
8.7.x / 8.7.3 31-May-2019 CLI tools that cause a fatal error now exit with an error status
8.8.x / 8.8.0 30-May-2019 MailManagerInterface::mail() allows override of error message
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-May-2019 Support for PHPUnit 4 has been removed
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-May-2019 WebTestBase is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 24-May-2019 NodeNewComments requires the entity type manager and entity field manager to be passed into the constructor
8.2.x / 8.2 19-May-2019 SQLite enables Write-Ahead Log journal (WAL) by default


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