@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
10.3.x / 10.3.0 28-Mar-2024 Library definitions now support a moved_files key
10.3.x / 10.3.0 27-Mar-2024 The SDC experimental module is now stable and merged into core
10.3.x / 10.3.0 27-Mar-2024 PermissionChecker now relies on the AccessPolicyProcessor rather than the EntityTypeManager
10.3.x / 10.3.0 27-Mar-2024 PermissionsHashGenerator no longer requires two caches and the entity type manager; depends on AccessPolicyProcessorInterface instead.
10.3.x / 10.3.0 27-Mar-2024 PermissionsHashGenerator::doGenerate() is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 24-Mar-2024 The SQL storage schema for an existing fields can be changed
10.3.x / 10.3.0 23-Mar-2024 Sessions table is no longer defined in system_schema()
10.3.x / 10.3.0 22-Mar-2024 \Drupal\media\Plugin\media\Source\OEmbed::getLocalThumbnailUri() requires a new argument
10.3.x / 10.3.0 21-Mar-2024 LoggerChannelFactory no longer implements ContainerAwareInterface and its constructor must be called
10.3.x / 10.3.0 21-Mar-2024 Install profiles can now be uninstalled
10.3.x / 10.3.0 21-Mar-2024 PrivateTempStore does not attempt to force start a session
11.0.x / 11.0.0 19-Mar-2024 FormBuilderInterface::getForm() and ::submitForm() have an additional variadic argument
10.3.x / 10.3.0 18-Mar-2024 "taxonomy_index_tid_depth" and "taxonomy" ViewsArgumentPlugin no longer accepts EntityStorageInterface in __construct() arguments
10.3.x / 10.3.0 17-Mar-2024 Added \Drupal\Core\Render\MainContent\DialogRenderer::getTitleAsStringable() to make title rendering consistent
10.3.x / 10.3.0 17-Mar-2024 CallableResolver and ClassResolver no longer support ContainerAwareInterface
10.2.x / 10.2.5 17-Mar-2024 Queue factories must implement QueueFactoryInterface
10.3.x / 10.3.0 16-Mar-2024 \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable and \Drupal\views\ViewExecutableFactory constructor requires \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.views.display')
10.3.x / 10.3.0 15-Mar-2024 ThemeHandlerInterface::getBaseThemes is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 15-Mar-2024 JS APIs for the text format/editor config UI deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Mar-2024 UnpublishByKeyword and AssignOwnerNode action plugins are moved to Action UI module
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Mar-2024 The Actions UI module is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 13-Mar-2024 File size formatter is now available on all integer fields
10.2.x / 10.2.5 12-Mar-2024 Drupal core now stores its PHPStan baseline in PHP format
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 New AJAX command to open a URL in a dialog
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 New config schema data type: weight
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER chromeOptions array key is deprecated, use goog:chromeOptions instead
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 RedirectResponseSubscriber::checkRedirectUrl() logs errors to logger instead of throwing an error
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 \Drupal\user\Controller\UserAuthenticationController::userIsBlocked() is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 POST requests are now render-cached
10.3.x / 10.3.0 07-Mar-2024 Field blocks are only exposed for bundles that have Layout Builder enabled
7.x / 7.100 06-Mar-2024 Announcements module is enabled by default and added to the Standard profile in Drupal 7.100
7.x / 7.100 06-Mar-2024 user_pass_rehash() hash calculation now separates parameter values in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.100 06-Mar-2024 "Announcements" module
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Mar-2024 UserLoginBlock and ActionListBuilder constructors require $formBuilder argument
10.3.x / 10.3.0 05-Mar-2024 Classes using operators() when extending \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\FilterPluginBase must implement FilterOperatorsInterface
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 Translations are imported in a consistent order
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 The method \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getName($module) has been deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 RendererInterface::renderPlain() is deprecated in favour of ::renderInIsolation()
10.3.x / 10.3.x 04-Mar-2024 New trait for shared functionality in Layout Builder entity forms
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 New 'workspaces.information' service
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 UserLoginForm::validateName() is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 New interface method UserAuthenticationInterface
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 Plugins converted from Annotations to Attributes in 10.3.0
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 Video dimensions in FileVideoFormatter are now optional
10.3.x / 10.3.0 03-Mar-2024 Update[Hook]RegistryFactory are deprecated, Update[Hook]Registry services constructor arguments are changed
10.3.x / 10.3.0 03-Mar-2024 Yaml decoding no longer uses the YAML PECL extension when available
10.3.x / 10.3.0 03-Mar-2024 Taxonomy terms can now be moderated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 03-Mar-2024 Update Stable9 pager templates to utilize new pagination_heading_level variable
10.3.x / 10.3.0 02-Mar-2024 \Drupal\file\Upload\FileUploadHandler now does locking based on file name
10.3.x / 10.3.0 02-Mar-2024 FileUploadHandler now throws a LockAcquiringException


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