@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.x / 8.0-ALPHA3 17-Sep-2013 Remove CSS_SYSTEM aggregate file
8.x 17-Sep-2013 Added FieldDefinitionInterface. Most code that in D7 interacted with $field and $instance arrays should instead interact with this unified interface.
8.x / 8.x-alpha4 16-Sep-2013 Reference native PHP/global classes with a preceding "\", rather than "use"ing them
8.x / 8.x-alpha4 16-Sep-2013 \Drupal\system\SystemConfigFormBase is now \Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase
8.x / 8.x-alpha4 16-Sep-2013 "pattern" is now "path" in *.routing.yml files
8.x / 8.x-alpha4 15-Sep-2013 Router item naming convention
8.x 15-Sep-2013 DraggableListBuilder is available for entity types
8.x 15-Sep-2013 ConfirmFormBase::getCancelPath() has been replaced with getCancelRoute()
8.x / 8.0-alpha4 13-Sep-2013 PHP Filter module removed from Drupal core
8.x 13-Sep-2013 ConfigurablePluginInterface for plugins with settings
8.x 13-Sep-2013 $langcode parameter removed in field_form_get_state() and field_form_set_state()
8.x 13-Sep-2013 Fields are no longer nested under $langcode in entity $form structures
8.x 12-Sep-2013 drupalPost() and drupalPostAJAX() have been renamed
8.x 11-Sep-2013 Streamlining Plugin Annotation Class Loading
8.x 11-Sep-2013 New History JS API — history markers no longer break the render cache
8.x 10-Sep-2013 Block plugins for menus have been unified
8.x 10-Sep-2013 Added a request helper to clone into a request with a specified URI.
8.x / 8.0 10-Sep-2013 Generic solution available for entity editing overwrite avoidance
8.x 10-Sep-2013 local task plugins discovery changed to use YamlDiscovery instead of annotated class discovery
8.x 09-Sep-2013 Core listings converted to views
8.x / 8.0-ALPHA3 08-Sep-2013 Image file objects are classed
8.x 08-Sep-2013 Theme system ensures that _theme() returns a string or FALSE
8.x 08-Sep-2013 upcasting converters replaced with ParamConverter Service
8.x 08-Sep-2013 Remove 'Attach' button from file inputs
8.x 08-Sep-2013 System module's configured action entity is prefixed with system.action
8.x 07-Sep-2013 Elements added to the Request attributes should have a _ prepended unless they come from the path
8.x 06-Sep-2013 Legacy procedural functions removed from filter.module
8.x 06-Sep-2013 Search module interacts with search plugins instead of finding implementations via hook_search_info
8.x 06-Sep-2013 "Administer Users" permission are separate from "Administer Account Settings"
8.x 05-Sep-2013 DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY and VERSION constants have moved
8.x 05-Sep-2013 Field / FieldItem value objects hold their own langcode
8.x 05-Sep-2013 Field.module constants related to storage moved to EntityStorageControllerInterface
8.x / 8.0-alpha3 03-Sep-2013 Use Composer's ClassLoader to handle class loading
8.x 03-Sep-2013 Rename ControllerInterface to ContainerInjectionInterface
8.x / 8.0-ALPHA3 02-Sep-2013 ForumManager added
8.x 02-Sep-2013 Alternative way of string translation for injected classes
8.x / 8.0 02-Sep-2013 New EntityChangedInterface interface added for entities with change timestamps
8.x 01-Sep-2013 URL related functions got moved to a new UrlHelper component
8.x 01-Sep-2013 Add a method to the AccessManager that only needs a route name and parameters
8.x 01-Sep-2013 Fields are no longer handled individually and are bound to an entity type
8.x / 8.0 31-Aug-2013 [REVERTED] Themes and modules can now define individual layouts
8.x 30-Aug-2013 Add a link generator service for route-based links
8.x 30-Aug-2013 Aggregator plugins can now provide settings forms
8.x 29-Aug-2013 Field types can define the UI for their "default values"
8.x 28-Aug-2013 Remove theme_more_help_link() and replace with a #type link render array
8.x 28-Aug-2013 Add a FormBase class containing useful methods to avoid boilerplate code
8.x 28-Aug-2013 AllowedValuesInterface replaces hook_options_list()
8.x 26-Aug-2013 image_style_options() no longer returns sanitized output, and the $output parameter for controlling sanitization has been removed
8.x 25-Aug-2013 bundle_of definition added to EntityType annotation to automatically generate Field UI manage operations to entity operations
8.x 24-Aug-2013 drupal_mail_system() now uses a factory service


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