@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
10.1.x / 10.1.0 06-Mar-2023 Drupal now defaults to "Lax" for the SameSite session cookie attribute, and checks for valid values
10.1.x / 10.1.0 06-Mar-2023 Drupal\file\FileInterface method return type changes
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-Mar-2023 ScrollTopCommand views Ajax command is moved to Drupal Core
10.1.x / 10.1.0 03-Mar-2023 The default timestamp formatter has an option to show the date as a time difference
9.5.x / 9.5.5 01-Mar-2023 'node' variable is now available in page.html.twig while previewing node
10.1.x / 10.1.0 27-Feb-2023 EditorLinkDialog, EditorImageDialog and EditorMediaDialog are deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 26-Feb-2023 action.module is now labeled as the "Actions UI module" in the Drupal interface
10.1.x / 10.1.0 23-Feb-2023 LinkGeneratorInterface::generateFromLink() is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 23-Feb-2023 New queue.config:suspendMaximumWait container parameter to allow suspended queues to be revisited
10.1.x / 10.0.0 23-Feb-2023 Cron now takes datetime.time and queue_config as dependencies
10.1.x / 10.1.0 23-Feb-2023 View page displays has new option to select the administration theme
10.1.x / 10.1.0 22-Feb-2023 All actions can now be created at the actions administration page
10.1.x / 10.1.0-alpha1 22-Feb-2023 Saving a pre-existing non-default revision now loads the same revision into $entity->original
10.1.x / 10.1.0 22-Feb-2023 Suspending a queue no longer logs an error
10.1.x / 10.1.0 22-Feb-2023 hook_options_list_alter adds "widget" parameter to the $context
10.1.x / 10.1.0 20-Feb-2023 Toolbar icon loading improved by inlining svgs
10.1.x / 10.1.0 19-Feb-2023 UI added to allow files to be deleted and 'Delete any file' and 'Delete own files' permissions added
10.1.x / 10.1.0 18-Feb-2023 Added a token to get site's base URL
10.1.x / 10.1.0 17-Feb-2023 UrlGenerator::generateFromRoute() and UrlGenerator::getPathFromRoute() no longer accept route objects
10.1.x / 10.1.0 16-Feb-2023 SensitiveParameter attribute has been applied to sensitive data
10.1.x / 10.1.0 16-Feb-2023 Tar and Zip archiver plugins are configurable now
10.1.x / 10.1.0 16-Feb-2023 \Drupal\Core\Utility\Token::scan now requires a string parameter instead of any type
10.1.x / 10.1.0 15-Feb-2023 PhpStorage ::writeable() is deprecated in drupal:10.1.0 with no replacement
10.1.x / 10.1.0 15-Feb-2023 FunctionalJavascript tests now fail on any JavaScript error thrown during test runs.
10.1.x / 10.1.0 14-Feb-2023 theme_render_and_autoescape() is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0-alpha1 14-Feb-2023 The TourTipPluginInterface interface is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 14-Feb-2023 Email address field in the user account form now applies field access
10.1.x / 10.1.0 13-Feb-2023 Make DatabaseException extend \Throwable
10.1.x / 10.1.0 13-Feb-2023 DiffEngine is deprecated and replaced with sebastianbergmann/diff
10.1.x / 10.1.0 10-Feb-2023 The block content 'info' field no longer requires unique values
10.1.x / 10.1.0 07-Feb-2023 Using assert[Not]Equals() to compare markup between MarkupInterface objects and plain strings is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 07-Feb-2023 EntityController now takes the route_match system as a constructor parameter
10.1.x / 10.1.0 06-Feb-2023 UrlGenerator::supports() and UrlGenerator::getRouteDebugMessage() are deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 06-Feb-2023 DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::__construct() now requires the ModuleHandler
10.1.x / 10.1.0 03-Feb-2023 BigPipe placeholder content can now be customized
10.1.x / 10.1.0 01-Feb-2023 JavaScript files are now reported as text/javascript MIME type
10.1.x / 10.1.0 30-Jan-2023 ConfigImporter requires the theme extension list to be injected
10.1.x / 10.1.0 28-Jan-2023 New clearByPrefix() method added to FloodInterface
10.1.x / 10.1.0 26-Jan-2023 Added fix for duplicate X-Content-Type-Options headers with value nosniff to .htaccess
10.1.x / 10.1.0 21-Jan-2023 \Drupal\Tests\book\Functional\BookTestTrait::generateOutlinePattern is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 20-Jan-2023 The Modernizr library is deprecrated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 16-Jan-2023 The service views.views_data is now backend-overridable
9.3.x / 9.3.0 14-Jan-2023 Drupal-specific <link> tags have been removed from nodes and taxonomy term pages
10.1.x / 10.1.0 12-Jan-2023 Improved exception in EntityReferenceItem
10.1.x / 10.1.0 10-Jan-2023 Account notification email address configuration is now respected
10.1.x / 10.1.0 09-Jan-2023 New validation constraint to check for plugin existence
10.1.x / 10.1.0 09-Jan-2023 MIME type updated for *.flac files from application/x-flac to audio/flac; MIME types added for *.aac and *.opus files
10.1.x / 10.1.0 08-Jan-2023 Block Content now provides a UI for viewing, reverting and deleting revisions
10.1.x / 10.1.0 08-Jan-2023 New getTitle() method added to LinkItemInterface
10.1.x / 10.1.0 07-Jan-2023 drupal_rewrite_settings() is deprecated


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