@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Permissions-Policy header is removed since Google has retired FLoC (D7)
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Drupal 7's EntityFieldQuery uses $ordered_results instead of the declared $orderedResults property
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Drupal 7 now has a user action "unblock current user"
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Optional $mail parameter added in user_pass_rehash()
9.5.x / 9.5.0 06-Dec-2022 Html::escape(), ::decodeEntities(), and FormattableMarkup::placeholderEscape() no longer accept NULL
10.1.x / 10.1.0 06-Dec-2022 Core services provide aliases for autowiring
10.1.x / 10.1.0 02-Dec-2022 Config entities' dependencies can be validated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 01-Dec-2022 Entity count queries now return an int instead of a string
10.1.x / 10.1.0 28-Nov-2022 ViewAddForm and ViewEditForm constructors adds a module handler service argument
10.1.x / 10.1.0 24-Nov-2022 node_revision_load, node_revision_delete and node_type_update_nodes are deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 23-Nov-2022 Methods ::loadRevision() and ::deleteRevision() in classes \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface, \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage and \Drupal\Core\Entity\KeyValueStore\KeyValueEntityStorage are deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 22-Nov-2022 Extension::__call() is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 20-Nov-2022 Added AccountProxy::hasRole() and UserSession::hasRole() methods
10.1.x / 10.1.0 17-Nov-2022 JavaScript Minification
10.1.x / 10.1.0 17-Nov-2022 Cache::keyFromQuery is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 16-Nov-2022 Linkset functionality now available in core
9.5.x / 9.5.0 10-Nov-2022 Uppercase service names are now allowed in service definitions — enabling autowiring
9.4.x / 9.4.9 02-Nov-2022 CKEditor 5 plugin definitions now can be derived
10.1.x / 10.1.0 02-Nov-2022 The database_statement_monitoring_test module is deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 29-Oct-2022 $connection->startTransaction() calls should now be placed within the try block
10.1.x / 10.1.0 27-Oct-2022 Renamed the class DBLogResource to DbLogResource
10.1.x / 10.1.0 27-Oct-2022 Revision UI available to revisionable entities
10.1.x / 10.1.0-alpha1 27-Oct-2022 EntityViewController::viewRevision is deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 21-Oct-2022 Third-party modules are able to alter the requirements entries
10.0.x / 10.0.0 20-Oct-2022 The new interface Drupal\Core\Database\SupportsTemporaryTablesInterface has been added
10.1.x / 10.1.0 07-Oct-2022 Permissions added for per block-type edit access to block content (custom blocks)
9.5.x / 9.5.0 07-Oct-2022 Classy theme is deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 06-Oct-2022 Tableselect rows can be disabled
9.5.x / 9.5.0-rc1 06-Oct-2022 AssertBlockAppearsTrait::findBlockInstance() is deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 05-Oct-2022 New 'user/edit' redirect to edit current user
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-Oct-2022 track_last_imported, isTrackLastImported, setTrackLastImported, and getTrackLastImported are deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 04-Oct-2022 Layout Builder's ConfigureSectionForm now has public methods to get the current section and layout
9.5.x / 9.5.0 04-Oct-2022 migrate\Plugin\migrate\id_map\Sql::__construct requires the Migration Plugin Manager service.
9.5.x / 9.5.0 03-Oct-2022 File form element now has a value and can be required
9.5.x / 9.5.0 03-Oct-2022 A new 'in_preview' variable is available to block and layout templates
10.1.x / 10.1.0 30-Sep-2022 OEmbed type fields support eager or lazy loading
9.5.x / 9.5.0 27-Sep-2022 WebAssert::optionExists and WebAssert::optionNotExists now find only exact matches
10.1.x / 10.1.0 27-Sep-2022 Render methods added to \Drupal\views\Entity\Render\EntityTranslationRendererBase that take relationship into account
10.1.x / 10.1.0 27-Sep-2022 EntityTranslationRenderTrait::getEntityTranslation has been deprecated in favour of EntityTranslationRenderTrait::getEntityTranslationByRelationship
9.5.x / 9.5.0 27-Sep-2022 Render cache debug output
10.1.x / 10.1.0 26-Sep-2022 Tracker module is deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 16-Sep-2022 Bartik theme is deprecated
10.0.x / 10.0.0 16-Sep-2022 Stable theme has been removed from core
9.5.x / 9.5.0 16-Sep-2022 Stable theme has been deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 16-Sep-2022 core/popperjs asset library is deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 16-Sep-2022 Shepherd.js is deprecated
10.0.x / 10.0.0 16-Sep-2022 toolbar/toolbar no longer loads Modernizr
9.4.x / 9.4.0 16-Sep-2022 The feed.bridge.reader service is abandoned.
10.1.x / 10.1.0 16-Sep-2022 Responsive image style multiplier truly ordered numerically
10.0.x / 10.0.0 15-Sep-2022 Farbtastic library is removed


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