@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
7.x / 7.98 07-Jun-2023 Session IDs are now hashed in the database in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.98 07-Jun-2023 Update info is fetched over https by default in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.98 07-Jun-2023 Double click prevention introduced in Drupal 7
10.2.x / 10.2.0 07-Jun-2023 Twig variables can be deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 30-May-2023 New clean_unique_id Twig filter
10.1.x / 10.1.0 26-May-2023 Content of phpinfo() admin status page is now configurable
10.1.x / 10.1.0 24-May-2023 CKEditor 5 resize unit changed from % to px
10.2.x / 10.2.0 22-May-2023 system_get_module_admin_tasks() requires the module_name argument to be a string
10.1.x / 10.1.0 14-May-2023 Normalizers/Denormalizers should implement ::getSupportedTypes() instead of ::hasCacheableSupportsMethod()
10.1.x / 10.1.0 12-May-2023 Twig debugging / caching settings added to administrative user interface
10.0.x / 10.0.10 10-May-2023 New data-drupal-ajax-container attribute
11.x 10-May-2023 New Drupal core branching scheme introduced
10.1.x / 10.1.0-beta1 09-May-2023 CKEditor 5 now supports autoformatting with Markdown-like shortcodes
10.1.x / 10.1.0 08-May-2023 Core JavaScript development now requires Node.js 18
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-May-2023 Clear Caches button is now separate from the performance form
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-May-2023 Static version of random generator added for PHPUnit 10 compatibility
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-May-2023 The CKEditor Code Block plugin is now configurable
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-May-2023 PostCSS output is formatted with Prettier
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-May-2023 Initial revisions created in a workspace are now tracked by that workspace
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-May-2023 The Toolbar loading process adds inline JavaScript and CSS
10.1.x / 10.1.0 28-Apr-2023 watchdog_exception() deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 26-Apr-2023 node_get_recent() is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 26-Apr-2023 "Announcements" experimental module
10.1.x / 10.1.0 26-Apr-2023 New transaction isolation level default for new sites for MySQL, MariaDB or equivalent databases
10.1.x / 10.1.0 21-Apr-2023 Operations link for MenuLinkContent entity are moved along with entity list builder
10.1.x / 10.1.0 20-Apr-2023 New AJAX TabledragWarningCommand for adding unsaved changes warnings to tabledrag
10.1.x / 10.1.0 20-Apr-2023 New Twig |add_class and |set_attribute filters for adding CSS classes and setting HTML attributes
10.1.x / 10.1.0 20-Apr-2023 Single Directory Components (SDC) added as new experimental module
10.1.x / 10.1.0 19-Apr-2023 system_time_zones() is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 17-Apr-2023 Trusted callbacks can now be marked with attributes as well as an interface
10.1.x / 10.1.0 11-Apr-2023 New assets:// stream wrapper for custom aggregate path location
10.1.x / 10.1.0 11-Apr-2023 User::isAnonymous() will no longer consider newly created users
10.1.x / 10.1.0 10-Apr-2023 Entity reference selection plugins can now throw UnsupportedEntityTypeDefinitionException when configuration is invalid
10.1.x / 10.1.0 07-Apr-2023 Ajax request type can be set to GET (POST by default)
10.1.x / 10.1.0 07-Apr-2023 Axe Accessibility checks added to Nightwatch Tests
10.1.x / 10.1.0 06-Apr-2023 Possibility to use non-default schema for PostgreSQL
9.5.x / 9.5.9 05-Apr-2023 All route defaults are now route parameters
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-Apr-2023 New events before and after a workspace is published
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-Apr-2023 Password hashing is changed
10.1.x / 10.1.0-alpha1 03-Apr-2023 New methods fieldSettingsSummary() and storageSettingsSummary() added to Drupal/Core/Field/FieldItemInterface
9.5.x / 9.5.8 03-Apr-2023 Additions to Locale batch API to support sites with a default language other than English
10.1.x / 10.1.0 31-Mar-2023 Drupal\Core\Ajax\AddCssCommand expects an array
9.5.x / 9.5.7 31-Mar-2023 Rewrite rules for gzipped CSS and JavaScript aggregates changed
10.1.x / 10.1.0 31-Mar-2023 New Block Content permissions
10.1.x / 10.1.0 30-Mar-2023 phpstan/phpstan-phpunit added as a dev dependency
10.1.x / 10.1.0 29-Mar-2023 Calling \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeInstaller::__construct() without the theme registry is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 29-Mar-2023 Passing an array value to a database condition without using a compatible operator is no longer supported
10.1.x / 10.1.0 28-Mar-2023 user_role_permissions() is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 28-Mar-2023 theme_get_registry() is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 24-Mar-2023 drupal_theme_rebuild() is deprecated


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