@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.6.x 15-Jun-2018 Add node type to node preview page body class
8.6.x / 8.6.0 08-Jun-2018 Configuration entities are now supported by the typed data system
8.6.x / 8.6.0 07-Jun-2018 Double underscores in views css classes are now preserved
8.6.x / 8.6.0 05-Jun-2018 Contrib or custom database drivers need to implement Schema::findPrimaryKeyColumns method
8.5.x / 8.5.4 02-Jun-2018 BrowserTestBase provides a method to get an HTTP client
8.6.x 31-May-2018 Added memory cache
8.6.x / 8.6.0 29-May-2018 Off-canvas dialogs can be rendered at the top of the page
8.6.x / 8.6.x 22-May-2018 TestDiscovery::scanDirectory() will ignore *TestBase.php, *Trait.php, and *Interface.php files
8.6.x / 8.6.0 20-May-2018 ConfigInstaller now checks whether config file name and entity ID match
8.6.x / 8.6.0 18-May-2018 Anchor option added to "Scale and Crop" image effect
8.6.x / 8.6.0 16-May-2018 403 responses to REST PATCH requests now specify the reason for disallowing PATCHing a field
8.6.x / 8.6.0 15-May-2018 Move all entity type REST tests to the providing modules
8.6.x / 8.6.0 11-May-2018 Theme developers can add the default logo filename to the theme's .info.yml
8.6.x / 8.6.0 09-May-2018 Details elements allow specifying attributes for the <summary> element
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 09-May-2018 Use http_kernel.controller.argument_resolver service to get arguments instead of controller_resolver service
8.6.x 08-May-2018 Use mb_* functions instead of Unicode::* methods
8.6.x 07-May-2018 JS testing using nightwatch
8.6.x / 8.6.0 04-May-2018 Workspaces is a new experimental module
8.6.x / 8.6.0 04-May-2018 New method to invalidate twig templates
8.6.x 03-May-2018 New command line tool to install & run Drupal
8.6.x / 8.6.0 03-May-2018 Install profiles can now define explicit dependencies
8.6.x / 8.6.0 02-May-2018 Invalid image token with or without missing source image now always returns a 404
8.5.x / 8.5.3 30-Apr-2018 \Drupal\menu_ui\Tests\MenuWebTestBase have been deprecated
8.6.x 30-Apr-2018 New hooks available for filtering plugins at runtime
8.6.x / 8.6.0 26-Apr-2018 Distributions are now able to provide a destination to visit after installation is finished
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 20-Apr-2018 Language reference fields now implement \Drupal\Core\TypedData\OptionsProviderInterface
8.5.x / 8.5.4 19-Apr-2018 Migrations can now be derived and executed after a specific other migration
8.6.x / 8.6.0 17-Apr-2018 Bottom padding added to drupal-off-canvas dialog
8.0.x / 8.0.0-beta4 13-Apr-2018 drupal_render() and drupal_render_root() replaced with Renderer service
8.6.x / 8.6.0-ALPHA1 13-Apr-2018 Use hook_post_update_NAME instead of hook_update_N to clear the cache
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 12-Apr-2018 New service to make updating configuration entities easier inside update hooks
8.6.x / 8.6.0 10-Apr-2018 New method DrupalDateTime::getPhpDateTime() exposes PHP's native \DateTime object
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 07-Apr-2018 Ajax helper traits
8.6.x / 8.6.0 05-Apr-2018 Add commands to install and tear down a test site
8.5.x / 8.5.2 03-Apr-2018 BaseFieldDefinition::setInitialValueFromField() accepts a default value
8.6.x 03-Apr-2018 PHPUnit 6 is used for testing on PHP 7.0+
8.6.x / 8.6.0 03-Apr-2018 New "file_upload" REST resource plugin: allows file uploads of any size, creates File entities
8.6.x / 8.6.0 03-Apr-2018 HAL's FileEntityNormalizer::denormalize() removed
8.6.x 02-Apr-2018 BatchBuilder class for batch API
8.5.x / 8.5.0 21-Mar-2018 To access REST export views, one now MUST specify a ?_format=… query string
8.6.x / 8.6.0 20-Mar-2018 \Drupal::classResolver() now takes an optional argument to directly load a class
8.6.x / 8.6.0 19-Mar-2018 Original topics variable added to forum template
8.5.x / 8.5.0 13-Mar-2018 D6 Book source plugin is deprecated
8.6.x 12-Mar-2018 Views integration for the Datetime Range module
8.6.x 08-Mar-2018 Simpletest version of SystemConfigFormTestBase has been deprecated and replaced with a kernel test version
8.5.x / 8.5.0 07-Mar-2018 Content translations can be moderated independently
8.5.x / 8.5.0 07-Mar-2018 New term overview and create permissions
8.3.x / 8.3.0 05-Mar-2018 Aligned test discovery for PHPUnit-based tests; traits now can be used for PHPUnit-based tests
8.5.x / 8.5.0 02-Mar-2018 The field_type_defaults has been deprecated
8.5.x / 8.5.0 01-Mar-2018 Migrate Image CCK and Field plugins moved to image module


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