Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
11.0.x / 11.0.0 23-Apr-2024 Calling \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Migration::getMigrationDependencies with the expand parameter is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 14-Apr-2024 The Config migration destination now requires the typed config manager
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 The method \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getName($module) has been deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 04-Mar-2024 Plugins converted from Annotations to Attributes in 10.3.0
10.3.x / 10.3.0 01-Mar-2024 MigrateSkipProcessException is deprecated
10.3.x / 10.3.0 28-Feb-2024 Migration process plugins no longer lookup against hardcoded migration IDs
10.3.x / 10.3.0 17-Feb-2024 The sub_process process plugin catches MigrateSkipRowException exceptions
10.3.x / 10.3.0 12-Jan-2024 Migrate process plugin can now stop the process pipeline after they run
10.3.x / 10.3.0 21-Dec-2023 Show migration messages in the administration interface
10.2.x / 10.2.0 09-Oct-2023 SchemaTableColumnSizeTooLargeException and SchemaTableKeyTooLargeException introduced
10.1.x / 10.1.0 18-Sep-2023 \Drupal\taxonomy\Plugin\migrate\process\ForumVocabulary is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 26-Jul-2023 SchemaCheckTrait::checkConfigSchema() now checks config schema strictly, including validation constraints — affects most tests
10.2.x / 10.2.0 12-Jul-2023 Various plugin manager related cache tags removed
10.2.x / 10.2.0 27-Jun-2023 \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\destination\Entity now has methods updateEntity and processStubRow()
10.2.x / 10.2.0 16-Jun-2023 Content type entities are marked as syncing during migrations
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-Apr-2023 Password hashing is changed
10.1.x / 10.1.0 13-Mar-2023 Calling Drupal\block\Plugin\migrate\process\BlockTheme::_construct() with the $migration argument is deprecated
10.1.x / 10.1.0 12-Mar-2023 SqlBase::checkRequirements() re-throws PDOException as RequirementsException
10.1.x / 10.1.0 03-Jan-2023 Migration::getMigrationDependencies() has a new parameter and MigrationPluginManager::expandPluginIds() is made public
10.1.x / 10.1.0 17-Nov-2022 Cache::keyFromQuery is deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 29-Oct-2022 SQLite transactions now acquire an immediate database lock
10.1.x / 10.1.0 04-Oct-2022 track_last_imported, isTrackLastImported, setTrackLastImported, and getTrackLastImported are deprecated
9.5.x / 9.5.0 04-Oct-2022 migrate\Plugin\migrate\id_map\Sql::__construct requires the Migration Plugin Manager service.
9.5.x / 9.5.0 03-Oct-2022 Set default values in settings.php for the Migrate Drupal UI (/upgrade)
9.5.x / 9.5.0 16-Sep-2022 core/popperjs asset library is deprecated
10.0.x / 10.0.0 13-Sep-2022 Migrate only permissions that exist on the destination
10.0.x / 10.0.0 09-Sep-2022 Classy removed and replaced with Starterkit theme generator
9.4.x / 9.4.4 16-Aug-2022 The CKEditor 4 to 5 upgrade path no longer checks if a plugin is available before migrating its configuration
9.3.x / 9.3.19 20-Jul-2022 The public stream wrapper can no longer be used to access private files if the private files directory is inside the public files directory
9.4.x / 9.4.0 11-Apr-2022 Action migration source moved to system module
9.4.x / 9.4.0 29-Mar-2022 All hook invocation delegated to Module Handler service
9.2.x / 9.2.0, 9.1.4 11-Mar-2022 Migration source plugins derived from DrupalSqlBase can declare a minimum schema version
9.4.x / 9.4.0 27-Jan-2022 SubProcess plugin now throws a MigrateException
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 Drupal 7 now has a "changed" property on the user entity
9.3.x / 9.3.0 03-Nov-2021 Migrate process plugin UrlAliasLanguage is deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 22-Oct-2021 Switch to entity owner in EntityContentBase during validation
9.3.x / 9.3.0 18-Oct-2021 MenuLink migrate source plugin now supports menu_name configuration option
9.3.x / 9.3.0 13-Oct-2021 Configuration translation migrations require the translations destination property to be set to true
9.3.x / 9.3.0 25-Sep-2021 Source counts can be cached by using doCount()
9.3.x / 9.3.0 18-Aug-2021 Controllers that accessed $_SESSION now take a Request parameter
9.3.x / 9.3.0 06-Aug-2021 \Drupal\comment\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\Comment::prepareComment() is deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0 06-May-2021 The Callback process plugin now handles callbacks with multiple arguments
9.2.x / 9.2.0 04-May-2021 targetEntityType constant removed from Drupal\node\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\ViewMode source plugin
7.x / 7.79 07-Apr-2021 Avoid field storage write when field content did not change
9.1.x / 9.1.5 06-Mar-2021 ContentEntity migration source has option to include revision ID as a source key
9.2.x / 9.2.0 05-Feb-2021 MachineName migrate process plugin reqular expression is configurable
9.2.x / 9.2.0 22-Jan-2021 Private path on the Upgrade Credential form no longer uses the public path
9.2.x / 9.2.0-alpha1 04-Jan-2021 \Drupal\Core\Session\SessionManager::migrateStoredSession() is removed
9.1.x / 9.0.0-alpha2 24-Dec-2020 Migrate NodeReference Drupal 6 field plugin moved to \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\field\d6\NodeReference
9.1.x / 9.1.5 30-Nov-2020 New comment_type migration source


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