Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.1.x / 8.1.0 16-Jun-2017 Whitelisted ".well-known" directory in .htaccess
8.1.x / 8.1.4 06-Jun-2017 Rename MigrationCreationTrait to MigrationConfigurationTrait
8.1.x / 8.1 28-Apr-2017 Migration::get() deprecated
8.1.x 06-Oct-2016 Symfony is updated to 2.8
8.1.x / 8.1.9 30-Sep-2016 Link relations on content pages for anonymous users depend on access
8.1.x / 8.1.9 22-Sep-2016 Password reset confirmation form changes
8.1.x / 8.1.9 17-Aug-2016 Deprecate FormattedDateDiff::getMaxAge()
8.1.x 19-Jul-2016 Javascript end-to-end testing added
8.1.x / 8.1.8, 8.2.0 19-Jul-2016 Migrate process plugin internal_uri and d7_internal_uri changed to link_uri
8.1.x / 8.1.4 05-Jul-2016 SQLite requirements raised to 3.7.11
8.1.x / 8.1.0 28-Jun-2016 MigrateIdMapInterface::lookupDestinationId() deprecated
8.1.x 25-Jun-2016 ControllerBase now has a logger method
8.1.x / 8.1.4 24-Jun-2016 Core's PHPUnit configuration uses test suite classes to define test suites
8.1.x / 8.1.0 25-May-2016 Creating new entities via REST now returns the created entity in the response
8.1.x / 8.1.0 16-May-2016 New 'view label' entity access operation added
8.1.x / 8.1.2 15-May-2016 SkipProcessException sets values to NULL
8.1.X 08-May-2016 DrupalDateTime::diff() and DateTimePlus::diff() can throw \BadMethodCallException
8.1.x / 8.1.2 05-May-2016 REST export views now support translated entities
8.1.x / 8.1.2 04-May-2016 ckeditor_stylesheets can now refer to external URLs
8.1.x 28-Apr-2016 Backport policy update
8.1.x / 8.1.1 27-Apr-2016 New 'path parent' cache context
8.1.x / 8.1.1 26-Apr-2016 allRevisions() entity queries now work with non-revisionable fields
8.1.x 20-Apr-2016 Improvements in creating entities in 8.1
8.1.x / 8.1.0 19-Apr-2016 Distributions can now force an installation language code
8.1.x 06-Apr-2016 Entity types can specify plural labels now
8.1.x / 8.1.0 04-Apr-2016 Allow annotations to inherit across namespaces
8.1.x 21-Mar-2016 Backwards compatibility policy updated for 8.1.x
8.1.x 15-Mar-2016 Migrations are plugins instead of configuration entities
8.1.x / 8.1.0 14-Mar-2016 External dependencies removed from the core repo and managed by Composer instead
8.1.x / 8.1.x 12-Mar-2016 Help page admin/help — uses plugins and has new markup
8.1.x / 8.1.0-BETA1 02-Mar-2016 Added CKEditorPluginManager::getEnabledButtons(Editor $editor)
8.1.x / 8.1.0-beta1 28-Feb-2016 install_database_errors() no longer returns rendered list of errors
8.1.x / 8.1.0-BETA1 26-Feb-2016 Entity local ID and revision ID are now included in HAL responses
8.1.x 25-Feb-2016 Added CKEditorPluginCssInterface: loading additional CSS in CKEditor iframe instances no longer requires hook_ckeditor_css_alter() to be implemented
8.1.x 22-Feb-2016 Queue workers can ask for immediate requeueuing
8.1.x / 8.1.x 17-Feb-2016 hook_help() allows you to return render arrays or strings
8.1.x / 8.1.0 17-Feb-2016 Views forms now have arguments in form ID
8.1.x 16-Feb-2016 \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase::getFilteredDescription() added
8.1.x / 8.1.0-beta1 03-Feb-2016 Avoid drupal_get_path() when referring paths inside the same extension
8.1.x / 8.1.x 26-Jan-2016 link.html.twig provided with indexed links will no longer produce '_' classes
8.1.x / 8.1.x 23-Jan-2016 Entity form handlers are no longer statically cached
8.1.x / 8.1.0 04-Jan-2016 Views filter InOperator::getValueOptions() children should always return the stored value options
8.1.x / 8.1.0-beta1 04-Jan-2016 All the images rotated via styling have width and height HTML attributes
8.1.x 21-Dec-2015 BooleanOperator::queryOpBoolean now has a second parameter
8.1.x 10-Dec-2015 Unused images removed from core
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