Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
10.2.x / 10.2.0 20-Aug-2023 Modules with the same name as a theme can not be installed anymore and vice versa
10.2.x / 10.2.0-alpha1 18-Aug-2023 \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManager::getGroupedDefinitions has a new parameter for choosing label for categories
10.2.x / 10.1.3 17-Aug-2023 DeprecationHelper helps modules support multiple versions of core
10.2.x / 10.2.0 17-Aug-2023 New config schema data type: required_label
10.2.x / 10.2.0-alpha1 16-Aug-2023 Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::makeSequenceName() is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 16-Aug-2023 Untranslated custom menu links can be hidden from menus
10.2.x / 10.2.0 16-Aug-2023 The Tour module is no longer enabled by default in the 'Demo Umami' profile
10.2.x / 10.2.0 16-Aug-2023 RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 13-Aug-2023 Direct access checks of file uploads in REST and JSON is depreacted and replaced with a route access check
10.1.x / 10.1.3 11-Aug-2023 CKEditor 5 updated to version 39, now supports empty inline elements, for inline icons such as Fontawesome
10.2.x / 10.2.x 10-Aug-2023 New API for providing additional menu tree manipulators
11.x / 10.3 04-Aug-2023 user_logout() and user_login_finalize() are deprecated and replaced with a service
11.x / 11.x 02-Aug-2023 New component: Toggletip
11.x 02-Aug-2023 Calling \Drupal\locale\StreamWrapper\TranslationsStream::getExternalUrl() is deprecated
11.x-dev / 11.0 31-Jul-2023 path_alias.repository now has a backend override for pgsql
10.2.x / 10.2.0 29-Jul-2023 Blocks can be displayed or hidden according to a 200, 403 or 404 response
10.2.x / 10.2.0 28-Jul-2023 Forms can now ignore destination parameter
10.2.x / 10.2.0 28-Jul-2023 Calling \Drupal\Core\Form\FormSubmitter::_construct() without the $redirect_response_subscriber argument is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 28-Jul-2023 Field Types can now specify weight
10.2.x / 10.2.0 28-Jul-2023 Field types can now control how properties are mapped to and from storage
10.2.x / 10.2.0 27-Jul-2023 The Tour module is no longer enabled by default in the 'Standard' profile
27-Jul-2023 \Drupal\locale\LocaleConfigManager now expects the logger factory service to be injected
10.2.x / 10.2.0 27-Jul-2023 Username and password descriptions are removed from the login form
10.2.x / 10.2.0 26-Jul-2023 SchemaCheckTrait::checkConfigSchema() now checks config schema strictly, including validation constraints — affects most tests
10.2.x / 10.2.0 26-Jul-2023 Adding arguments to interface methods
10.2.x / 10.2.0 25-Jul-2023 StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 24-Jul-2023 New PermissionsListFilterEvent event added
10.2.x / 10.2.0 24-Jul-2023 New decimal primitive data type added
10.2.x / 10.2.0 23-Jul-2023 Typed data definition of the sequence config schema type returns type of 'sequence' instead of 'list'
10.2.x / 10.2.0 23-Jul-2023 UniqueFieldValueValidator now supports multi-value and composite fields
10.2.x / 10.2.0 23-Jul-2023 ListItemBase::extractAllowedValues now takes array as its first argument
10.2.x / 10.2.0 22-Jul-2023 New ConfigEntityMapperInterface for ConfigEntityMapper available
10.2.x / 10.2.0 22-Jul-2023 New core library asset added
10.2.x / 10.2.0 22-Jul-2023 Drupal\Component\Utility\Random::machineName() now generates random strings of lowercase letters, numbers and underscore
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 New config validation constraint: Choice
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 New config schema data type: langcode
10.2.x 21-Jul-2023 FileItem translations are now synchronisable
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 A new test trait allows configuring update_test module settings
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 system_get_module_admin_tasks() is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 The dependency injection container supports services wrapped in closures
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManager::__construct now requires FieldTypeCategoryManagerInterface
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 \Drupal\field_ui\Form\FieldStorageAddForm::__construct now requires FieldTypeCategoryManagerInterface
10.2.x / 10.2.0 21-Jul-2023 New API for defining field type categories
10.2.x / 10.2.0 20-Jul-2023 Entity Reference field type has a new reference selection method "Views with auto create".
10.2.x / 10.2.0 20-Jul-2023 Usage of Connection::getDriverClass for some classes is deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 20-Jul-2023 When a user fails login, the reset password link no longer pre-fills the username
19-Jul-2023 The remove diacritics feature has been moved closer to Unicode standards
10.2.x / 10.2.0 19-Jul-2023 \Drupal\content_translation\ContentTranslationHandler::entityFormDeleteTranslation has been deprecated
10.2.x / 10.2.0 19-Jul-2023 \Drupal\content_translation\ContentTranslationHandler::__construct now requires RedirectDestinationInterface
10.2.x / 10.2.0 18-Jul-2023 Field config entities can no longer be saved with missing settings
