Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.8.x / 8.8.0 16-Oct-2019 Most jQuery UI asset libraries are deprecated and moved to contrib modules
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 16-Oct-2019 New experimental administration theme: Claro!
8.8.x / 8.8.0 16-Oct-2019 A media-specific Views filter was added to determine access based on published/unpublished status. This filter was added to Media Library default views.
8.8.x / 8.8.0 16-Oct-2019 matchMedia polyfill is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 16-Oct-2019 domready is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 16-Oct-2019 Popper.js added to Drupal core to replace jQuery UI Position
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 16-Oct-2019 New hooks for altering Views UI
8.8.x / 8.8.0 15-Oct-2019 html5shiv polyfill is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 15-Oct-2019 New CacheTagsChecksumTrait for cache tag checksum implementations
8.8.x / 8.8.0 14-Oct-2019 PHPUnit 7 can be used for testing on PHP 7.1+
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 14-Oct-2019 New "Media embed" filter added
8.7.x / 8.7.0 12-Oct-2019 Additional permissions added for Layout Builder
8.8.x / 8.8.0 11-Oct-2019 The pager has now a backend changeable service
8.8.x / 8.8.0 11-Oct-2019 Methods isLatestRevision, getLatestRevision and getLatestRevisionId are deprecated from the content_moderation.moderation_information service
8.8.x / 8.8.0 11-Oct-2019 Content Moderation can be used together with Workspaces
8.8.x / 8.8.0 11-Oct-2019 The views relationship to the Content Moderation State entity has been deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 11-Oct-2019 Search index related functions have been moved to a service
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 11-Oct-2019 Drupal.deprecationError() and Drupal.deprecatedProperty() added to allow triggering JavaScript deprecation errors
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 11-Oct-2019 Nightwatch tests now use Stark by default (instead of Classy)
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 10-Oct-2019 Media Library multilingual improvements: default views are now language filterable, and admin/content/media uses the default table view
8.8.x / 8.8.0 10-Oct-2019 Views now adds an ENTITY_TYPE_ID_access query tag to all its queries by default.
8.8.x / 8.8.0 10-Oct-2019 New MessageCommand allows adding messages from an Ajax response
8.8.x / 8.8.0 10-Oct-2019 Help topics are now searchable
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 09-Oct-2019 Themes can now be marked experimental
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 09-Oct-2019 Template substitutions are now allowed in scaffold files
8.8.x / 8.8.0 09-Oct-2019 Profile configuration entity overrides are installed at the same time as the profile
8.7.x / 8.7.0 09-Oct-2019 New Help Topics experimental module
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 09-Oct-2019 Added configurable match limit to the entity autocomplete matcher
8.8.x / 8.8.0 08-Oct-2019 New Migration Lookup and Stub services have been added.
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 08-Oct-2019 Scaffold "append" operations may now append to files that were not themselves scaffolded.
8.8.x 08-Oct-2019 [Closed (duplicate)]
8.7.x 08-Oct-2019 [Closed (won't fix)]
8.8.x / 8.8.0 08-Oct-2019 NodeController::add() method is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 08-Oct-2019 Added a new API for installing a fieldable entity type: EntityDefinitionUpdateManager::installFieldableEntityType()
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 07-Oct-2019 Drupal core using PostCSS for development
8.8.x / 8.8.0 07-Oct-2019 Procedural function drupal_process_states() is deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 07-Oct-2019 Initial sort when a table's header is clicked
8.8.x / 8.8.0 04-Oct-2019 Password reset form has flood control
8.8.x / 8.8.0 04-Oct-2019 New Build Test Type
8.8.x / 8.8.0 04-Oct-2019 New template for embedded media errors
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 04-Oct-2019 \Drupal\media_library\Form\ FileUploadForm now takes the file usage service as a constructor parameter
8.8.x / 8.8.0-ALPHA1 04-Oct-2019 Elements with .align-right or .align-left classes have max-width applied
8.8.x / 8.8.0 03-Oct-2019 drupal_installation_attempted() has been deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 03-Oct-2019 JSON:API resource types can now be configured programmatically
8.8.x / 8.8.0 03-Oct-2019 tracker_page() has been deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 02-Oct-2019 Options sorting ability has been added to Select form element
02-Oct-2019 Node::getTitle(), Term::getName(), and MediaInterface::getName() are deprecated
8.8.x / 8.8.0 02-Oct-2019 JSON:API now serializes a user's display name under a new, read-only display_name field and the name field contains the raw, unaltered user name
8.8.x / 8.8.0-alpha1 01-Oct-2019 Changes to browsers supported by Drupal core
8.8.x / 8.8.0 01-Oct-2019 The 'testing' install profile's setting of a default theme (Classy) is now deprecated
