Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
9.1.x / 9.1.0 27-Sep-2020 MigrationPluginManager::createInstancesByTag will now return an empty array when there are no migrations with the provided tags
9.1.x / 9.1.0 25-Sep-2020 drupalPostForm() in functional tests is deprecated
9.1.0 / 9.1.0-alpha1 21-Sep-2020 MimeTypeGuesser::guess() is deprecated
9.1.x / 9.1.0 14-Sep-2020 [Closed (won't fix)]
9.1.x / 9.1.0 10-Sep-2020 AssertLegacyTrait::assertRaw and ::assertNoRaw now raise a deprecation error when too many arguments are passed in
9.1.x / 9.1.x 08-Sep-2020 Splitbutton render element created as a replacement for Dropbuttons
9.1.x / 9.1.0 08-Sep-2020 media_oembed_iframe theme hook now receives the Resource object
9.1.x / 9.1.0 04-Sep-2020 AssertHelperTrait::castSafeStrings is no longer required
10.3.x / 10.3.0 03-Sep-2020 `roles` property of text format config entity and FilterFormat class is deprecated
9.1.x / 9.1.0 02-Sep-2020 New WebAssert::pageTextMatchesCount method for testing
9.1.x / 9.1.0 31-Aug-2020 Allow deprecating config schemas
9.1.x / 9.1.0 28-Aug-2020 New DelayedRequeueException facilitates delaying the processing of a single queue item without suspending the entire queue or encountering infinite loops
9.1.x / 9.1.0-alpha1 28-Aug-2020 Tabledrag handles are now rendered by a theme function
9.1.x / 9.1.0 28-Aug-2020 Calls to WebAssert methods do not allow more arguments than those in the signature
9.1.x / 9.1.0 27-Aug-2020 The 'sanitize_input_whitelist' site setting has been renamed to 'sanitize_input_safe_keys'
9.2.x / 9.2.0 23-Aug-2020 [Closed (won't fix)]
9.1.x / 9.1.0-alpha1 21-Aug-2020 The PostCSS build process automatically inlines SVG background images
9.1.x / 9.1.0 20-Aug-2020 Title attribute removed from site-name link in SystemBrandingBlock
9.1.x / 9.1.0 17-Aug-2020 [reverted]
11-Aug-2020 Block plugins must return an array from their build() method
9.1.x / 9.1.0 10-Aug-2020 user_password() is deprecated and is moved to a password generator service
9.1.x / 9.1.0-alpha1 10-Aug-2020 Drupal\Tests\Traits\ExpectDeprecationTrait is deprecated
9.1.x / 9.1.0 08-Aug-2020 \Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes::toInt() is deprecated in favor of \Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes::toNumber()
9.1.x / 9.1.0 08-Aug-2020 "twig_sandbox_whitelisted_*" settings renamed and Drupal\Core\Template\TwigSandboxPolicy protected array members renamed to remove "whitelist"
9.1.x / 9.1.0 08-Aug-2020 File size attribute no longer set for file entity links
9.1.x / 9.1.0 07-Aug-2020 update_delete_file_if_stale() now returns a boolean value
9.1.x / 9.1.0 07-Aug-2020 Calling KernelTestBase::installSchema() for the tables key_value and key_value_expire is deprecated
9.1.x / 9.1.0 07-Aug-2020 Creating an instance of the class Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Condition with the new keyword is deprecated and an API addition with the method Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Query::getConnection()
9.1.x / 9.1.0 07-Aug-2020 MySql driver now throws IntegrityConstraintViolationException at insertion when column has no default and no value specified
9.1.x / 9.1.0 06-Aug-2020 Core libraries license links now link to the license file directly
9.1.x / 9.1.0 06-Aug-2020 Core settings keys can be deprecated
9.1.x / 9.1.0 04-Aug-2020 The Drupal\Core\Utility\Error::$blacklistFunctions protected member is now called $ignoredFunctions
9.1.x / 9.1.0-alpha1 31-Jul-2020 ckeditor_stylesheets can now refer to a Drupal root URL
9.1.x / 9.1.0-alpha1 31-Jul-2020 Added TableMappingInterface::getAllFieldTableNames()
9.1.x / 9.1.0 31-Jul-2020 A more specific exception is being thrown from \Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorageFactory::getSync() when the config sync directory does not exists
9.1.x / 9.1.0 31-Jul-2020 New getRequirements() method on MigrationInterface
9.1.x / 9.1.0 30-Jul-2020 Drupal\Core\Extension\Discovery\RecursiveExtensionFilterIterator protected array members have been renamed to remove "whitelist" and "blacklist"
10.x / 10.1.x 30-Jul-2020 Term ID views filter accepts multiple vocabularies and the 'vid' key in 'views.filter.taxonomy_index_tid' config schema is deprecated
9.1.x / 9.1.0 30-Jul-2020 \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteCompiler expectes a Route object that has never been injected.
9.1.x / 9.1.0 28-Jul-2020 Changes to phpunit.xml for deprecation testing
9.1.x / 9.1.0 27-Jul-2020 X-Drupal-Cache-Max-Age header
10.1.x / 10.1.0 27-Jul-2020 Injected the datetime.time service into SqlContentEntityStorageSchema and ProjectSecurityRequirement via IoC
9.1.x 24-Jul-2020 WidgetBase constructor injecting a token service ($token) as an argument
9.1.x / 9.1.x 23-Jul-2020 The first cell in each tabledrag row is now set to display:flex
9.1.x / 9.1.x 23-Jul-2020 Tabledrag's show/hide weights button is now rendered by theme functions
9.1.x / 9.1.0 22-Jul-2020 Sql constructor adds a $database argument
9.1.x 22-Jul-2020 CKEditor constructor adds a cache.default service argument
9.1.x 22-Jul-2020 BookManager constructor adds a service argument
9.1.x / 9.1.0 21-Jul-2020 New Event for preparing a LayoutBuilder element
9.1.x / 9.1.0 21-Jul-2020 Service change/deprecation for LayoutBuilder element
