Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
9.3.x / 9.3.0 25-Aug-2021 Third party modules are able to add cacheable metadata to links
9.3.x / 9.3.0 21-Aug-2021 DrupalMediaLibrary CKEditor plugin requires the media_library.ui_builder service
10.3.x / 10.3.0 20-Aug-2021 New helper interfaces for marking forms as workspace-safe
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 20-Aug-2021 Moved the 'Administrator role' setting to a new 'Role settings' form at admin/people/role-settings
9.3.x / 9.3.0 18-Aug-2021 Controllers that accessed $_SESSION now take a Request parameter
9.3.x / 9.3.0 18-Aug-2021 ESLint is now used to validate YAML
10.0.x / 10.0.0-alpha1 18-Aug-2021 Drupal 10 platform requirements
17-Aug-2021 Derive statistics module migrations per node type
9.0.x / 9.0.0 14-Aug-2021 app.root and site.path services have been converted to container parameters
9.3.x / 9.3.0 13-Aug-2021 _views_file_status() has been deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 13-Aug-2021 ProviderRepository now requires the keyvalue and logger.factory services
9.3.x / 9.3.0 12-Aug-2021 Creating menu for page view does not require menu_ui enabled
10-Aug-2021 [outdated]
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 06-Aug-2021 The Quick Edit module is no longer enabled by default in the 'Standard' profile
9.3.x / 9.3.0 06-Aug-2021 The field UID on the users table as been changed from integer to serial
9.3.x / 9.3.0 06-Aug-2021 FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT is deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 06-Aug-2021 The function system_sort_modules_by_info_name() is deprecated.
9.3.x / 9.3.0 06-Aug-2021 \Drupal\comment\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\Comment::prepareComment() is deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 04-Aug-2021 Field template respects configurable field display
9.3.x / 9.3.0 02-Aug-2021 The package doctrine/reflection is no longer used by Drupal core.
9.3.x / 9.3.0 30-Jul-2021 Use package.json to manage third-party JavaScript libraries
9.3.x / 9.3.0 29-Jul-2021 Media Library will pass its current state to hook_ENTITY_TYPE_create_access()
9.3.x / 9.3.0 29-Jul-2021 ConfigManagerInterface::findConfigEntityDependents and ConfigManagerInterface::findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities are now ConfigManagerInterface::findConfigEntityDependencies and ConfigManagerInterface::findConfigEntityDependenciesAsEntities
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 29-Jul-2021 fabpot/goutte and behat/mink-goutte-driver removed as core dependencies
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 29-Jul-2021 JSON:API resource types can now be renamed programmatically
9.3.x / 9.3.0 28-Jul-2021 oEmbed services require a cache backend
9.3.x / 9.3.0 28-Jul-2021 Added support for oEmbed resources that don't have an explicit height
9.3.x / 9.3.0 25-Jul-2021 FileSystem::getOsTemporaryDirectory() is deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 16-Jul-2021 The function file_build_uri() has been deprecated.
9.3.x / 9.3.0 15-Jul-2021 GuzzleMiddlewarePass compiler pass has been removed
9.3.x / 9.3.0 15-Jul-2021 drupal_get_path() and drupal_get_filename() have been deprecated in favor of extension listing services
9.3.x / 9.3.0 14-Jul-2021 Resetting BookManager internal cache with drupal_static_reset() is deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 14-Jul-2021 Links to files and images now use relative URLs by default
9.3.x / 9.3.0 12-Jul-2021 Calling drupal_static_reset() with node_mark as argument is deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 09-Jul-2021 Functions file_create_url() and file_url_transform_relative() are deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 09-Jul-2021 Permissions can define dependencies
9.3.x / 9.3.0 09-Jul-2021 Permissions must exist
9.3.x / 9.3.0 08-Jul-2021 Node type condition plugin deprecated by generic entity bundle condition
9.3.x / 9.3.0 08-Jul-2021 views_form_callback is no longer supported
9.3.x / 9.3.0 07-Jul-2021 Closed (won't fix)
9.3.x / 9.3.0 06-Jul-2021 Configuration system.authorize removed
9.3.x / 9.3.0 04-Jul-2021 Term views argument validator is deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 02-Jul-2021 Several procedural functions from the Taxonomy module have been deprecated in favor of direct use of the Entity API
9.3.x / 9.3.0 01-Jul-2021 Block plugin forms can no longer access 'block_theme' from form state
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 30-Jun-2021 JavaScript errors thrown in FunctionalJavascript tests are now caught
9.3.x / 9.3.0 30-Jun-2021 menu_list_system_menus() and menu_ui_get_menus() are deprecated
9.3.x / 9.3.0 29-Jun-2021 Update module no longer depends on File module
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 29-Jun-2021 Services can be autowired
9.3.x / 9.3.x 29-Jun-2021 Eslint rules added to limit new jQuery usage for future compatibility
9.3.x / 9.3.0 29-Jun-2021 #date_time_callbacks and #date_date_callbacks must implement TrustedCallbackInterface
