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This module provides two Views plugins: An Atom style plugin and a custom NodeRDF row style plugin. Although intended to be used together they should work independently of each other, too.

The Atom style plugin is an alternate Feed-type plugin that generates an Atom feed rather than RSS feed. It only works with the "Feed" display type. It does use row configuration, but only to allow the site administrator to customize the fields that will populate the various fields of the atom feed itself. Each record will be wrapped in an atom

element. If the PuSH Hub module is installed, the Atom feed will also be Pubshubhubbub-enabled.

The RDF (Node) row style plugin generates a standard XML representation of any arbitrary node, including attached CCK fields and taxonomy terms. Hooks allow for additional data to be injected into the XML, although you really should just be using fields. :-) The XML format itself is custom and documented in the drupal_node.xml file, but is wrapped in RDF tags to allow for later revision into more standard RDF vocabularies.

Rules integration allows Atom Views to be rendered at arbitrary times and syndicated using PuSH Hub.

This module is most useful when used in conjunction with the Feeds Atom module.

This module originally developed by for the Balboa Park Online Collaborative and by GoingOn.

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