I tried to edit my user info and set my homepage URL at the drupal.org site.
I set my homepage URL to be

It complained that it was not a valid URL.

Looks like there is a bad logic check in there somewhere. I'm absolutely guessing it doesn't like the ~ character...


TDobes’s picture

Component: user system » profile.module

You are correct... the ~ is rejected by the valid_url function in common.inc. Adding the ~ should be fairly easy... but, while we're at it, what other characters should we be adding that are legal in URL's?

Dries’s picture

I slightly improved the URL validation function: it now accepts https:// and ftp:// as valid protocols, it is no longer case-sensitive and will allow special characters like '~'. It can be improved further but at least the most annoying bugs have been taken care of.

Anonymous’s picture