i have installed this module and it is working perfect but loading image is not visible. you can check the live site
at http://www.studyhall.novelguide.com


maximpodorov’s picture

Yes, I see the problem. It's a bug in the module code.

aliyayasir’s picture

can you give me a patch for this.

maximpodorov’s picture

I added min-height in css for the wrappers:
But it's not enough for you case: ajaxblocks.css file is not added for some reason.

dcoulombe’s picture

You should add a "width" also.

maximpodorov’s picture

Can anyone confirm the problem with the recent versions of Ajax Blocks module?

MarcElbichon’s picture

Yes, i confirm css file is not included with 1.8 version.

EDIT : In fact, i've found a preprocess_page in my theme. This function reset $vars. So, ajaxblocks works as design for me