
i have install a new Drupal 8 and want to use my views config from Drupal 7.

In the web stand that it gave no import of Views.

Is that right ?

Which is the easiest way to get the views after drupal 8.

Entry completely new by hand?

Because I've had a lot of input time with Drupal 7, and that was a long time ago.


VM’s picture

As far as I know you have to upgrade the site from D7 to D8 and the views will be upgraded as well. From there you can export the views in D8 via configuration manager.

further research uncovered https://www.drupal.org/project/views_d8_upgrade

rothlive’s picture

Ok but i can not download the Module well " This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy. " Not Download Link.

hiramanpatil’s picture

You can clone the module using git command. Find the URL at of the project on version control page at https://www.drupal.org/project/views_d8_upgrade/git-instructions .

arisen’s picture

Checkout the below module https://www.drupal.org/project/view_migration. Little Tedious but should work for you

Rahul Seth’s picture

Views get imported, but face some minor issue (in yaml file), which I think need to fix in the Views Migration modue.

Jeya sundhar’s picture

Migrate Drupal 7 views to drupal 9 using https://www.drupal.org/project/views_migration module.