I'm trying to migrate D6 to D8 using the migrate modules in D8; however, the D6 Taxonomy tags are not being imported.

I did get the following error:

Migration d6_term_node_revision:11 did not meet the requirements. Missing migrations d6_term_node:1, d6_term_node:6. requirements: d6_term_node:1. requirements: d6_term_node:6.

Operation on Term/node relationship revisions failed

Migration d6_term_node_revision:6 did not meet the requirements. Missing migrations d6_term_node:1, d6_term_node:6. requirements: d6_term_node:1. requirements: d6_term_node:6.

Operation on Term/node relationship revisions failed

Also, none of the node created dates transferred over from D6 to D8, with D8 giving the "Authored on date" the same as the import date.

Any ideas? Thanks.


NiklasBr’s picture

Unfortunately this seems to still exist in the latest versions. Can't find any information either.

mattwmc’s picture

I've managed to migrate from D6 to D7. However, still having issues trying to migrate D7 to D8 as the image field doesn't migrate for some reason.