When I run cron and check updates, I get the message " No available releases found". I was looking how to solve this problem in internet and I was told to apply to here.

Maybe the problem is in the locked server's IP address. You can check it out?
My Site: la.by


rysnet’s picture

This problem is not clear enough to get the correct answer. What version of Drupal you are using and when it happened (while installing a new module or migrating to another version )?

la_by’s picture

On the server, a lot of installed versions of CMS Drupal on different subdomains, but none of them can not get automatic updates.

la_by’s picture

Contact with the Administration drupal.org on this issue?

ashwinsh’s picture

1) TRUNCATE TABLE `cache_update`

2) Modify the update_max_fetch_time to 200 seconds by adding this code to the settings.php file.
$conf['update_max_fetch_time'] = 200;
OR Change the same setting using a Drush command.
drush vset update_max_fetch_time 200

Then check '/admin/reports/updates'

rkostov’s picture

+1 It worked for me. Many thanks.

don@robertson.net.nz’s picture

I do not appear to have a cache_update table in my database. Assume that is what you are referring to?

Don Robertson
Christchurch, New Zealand
021 294 1542