I have various sites installed on /public_html/websites/drupalsite some are drupal 6.x and other 7.x. None of them I can't update database. I run the update.php and i recieve a "page not found" error. For several times I search and google for a answer but I didn't found. I already tryed to edit settings.php - ($update_free_access = TRUE), tryed to change permissions and nothing worked.
Can somebody help me ? Is this a bug ? I'm getting a litle bit anxious.

Thank you for your help.

Sorry my english.


Christopher James Francis Rodgers’s picture

I do not have your answer
But I know how to use Google and limit the search to drupal.org
since the d.o website's search is essentially worthless to me
except maybe when I am in a specific project's
(module's or theme's) issues que.

I suggest a Google Search limited to drupal.org

Google Search: site:drupal.org

  • Do Not insert a blank-space after the colon (":") before the first letter of the domain name ("drupal.org").
  • Type a blank-space following the plus-sign (+),
    and add your keyword(s) &/or "keyword phrase"(s).
  • Wrap a multi-word keyword phrase in double-quotes ("... ... ... ")
    to search for exact phrase matching in the search.

Sample Google search of d.o

Example using keyword(s): can't run update.php

All the best; intended.
-Chris (great-grandpa.com)
"The number one stated objective for Drupal is improving usability." ~Dries Buytaert *

amadlopes’s picture

Today I installed a new website with drupal 7.15 in a diferent directory /public_html/drupalsite and I/m getting the same error with update.php (page not found).
I follow your advice and google an other time and I can't find any answer.
Is this a problem of the site hoster ?

Thanks for the help

amadlopes’s picture

It was a problem of the hoster.

Thanks to all.

Avni-1’s picture

I am too facing same error post installation of drupal 7.15 on our Online Auction Site , looking for the help !

bmateus’s picture

Make sure your PHP version is 5.2! Mind your PHP version. I know that Drupal 7 should work with PHP 5.3 (I read somewhere that it's even recomended), but in my personal experience, it blew up the website in a specific host.

With PHP 5.3, Drupal 7.19 returns "/update.php not found" on multisites (and I believe it does the same on single-instalation sites).
It may also give an occasional "500 - Internal server error".

I don't know the cause, but this is what happened to one of my sites, hosted at netfirms.com.
In other hosts, and in localhost, it worked fine with other versions of php 5.3.

Hope it helps.

I finally solved my issue, and turns out it had to do with the PHP upgrade, CGI and php.ini configuration.

it seems that, for php versions after 5.3.10, if php is running as CGI, and it uses force-cgiredirects, a couple of changes should be done on your php.ini. The following is an extract available at http://php.net/security.cgi-bin:

This is what I found out while trying to get php to work as CGI with Apache VirtualHosts.

By enabling 'force-cgiredirects', you *must*:
1) set 'cgi.fix_pathinfo=1' in php.ini
2) leave doc_root commented out (php.ini also)

If you miss item 1, the apache logs will show 'unexpected T_STRING' in the php binary.
If you miss item 2, you'll only see 'No input file specified.', instead of the expected output.

You can then turn on the php support for a particular vhost by defining:

Action php-script /cgi-bin/php

inside the corresponding directive.

Even so it wasn't enough, I had to enable authorize.php and update.php permissions to owner execute.
After that, it worked like a charm.

Hope it helps someone with a similar problem.

Bruno Mateus

rooby’s picture

One possible solution, which worked for me was

The permissions on update.php should not allow group write. The permissions were 0664. They should be 0644.

From http://drupal.org/node/1010730

Anybody’s picture

For me the solution was also to update / remove the boost code in .htaccess.

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oskar_calvo’s picture

Hello @Anybody.

If you remove the boost code from .htaccess you can not use boost.

You are removing and paste it again later?

I'm with the same issue, and I'm looking for a answer.


Anybody’s picture

I updated it to the latest version generated by the boost module.

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