I've got a custom theme that I'm using on multiple sites, the issue is I'm trying to incorporate Layout Builder and when I add a custom block that has a twig file it will not allow me to edit or delete the block. I found that some out of the box themes have patches but there is nothing that I can find for getting this to work if you have a custom theme. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this to work with my custom theme?


VM’s picture

naessivad’s picture

That is for a new layout. I'm not creating a custom layout. I have a custom theme and the custom block edit button is not appearing. Unless I missed something in the link you provided.

VM’s picture

may aid to watch the following series of videos which starts with = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Kc_11hfrM&list=PLpVC00PAQQxG0sW9YOueVgouRp4aj1bng

naessivad’s picture

Issue was that the custom block was missing:

<div{{ attributes }}>
    {{ title_prefix }}
    {{ title_suffix }}