I'm in the process of migrating a site from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. I've created two views that render text fields. If the text field is plain text, and the formatter option is set to plain text it works fine. If the text field is formatted and the formatter in views is set to Default or Trimmed—those are the only two options—the content won't render.

Any ideas?



easmad’s picture

I can get it to render if I go to the original content field and change the format to basic or restricted html. It won't work with filtered or full html???

Shane Birley’s picture

I am having trouble understanding where the fields are not being rendered. It sounds like there is something stripping the HTML from the field which might blank them out... but more information would be helpful.

Can you take a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Is this only happening on certain field types or all (re: text field or textarea)?

Shane Birley
Left Right Minds

easmad’s picture

Hello Shane,

The fields are not being rendered in the view preview.

I tried setting the no results text on each field in the view to "No Results", and that will render, so the view doesn't seem to be pulling any data from fields that are originally set to filtered or full html.

Does this make more sense?

Edit: To answer to last question, I've only tried this with text fields, not text area.

Shane Birley’s picture

Can you do a quick screenshot of your View admin interface? I am curious to see how you are attempting to build it.

Shane Birley
Left Right Minds

easmad’s picture

Sorry, new to the forums. How do I add an image?

Here's the link: http://www.madblog.org/media/enewsletter/201906/ss.png

Shane Birley’s picture

I assume the content you are wanting to share is indeed published? 

By the way, I visited Museum of Arts and Design in early March when I was in NY. Great place!

Shane Birley
Left Right Minds

easmad’s picture

Yeah, that is a mistake I could make, but not this time:)

The first three which are plain text render fine, the fourth field in the view is the one with the problem. I created another view as well which has the same problem. 

Glad you had nice visit to MAD.

Shane Birley’s picture

Can you capture the form itself of the content type? I am curious what the settings are for that field?

Shane Birley
Left Right Minds