I really feel stupid. I am quite new in drupal (i use drupal 8). I created a new content type with a lot of files. Also i created a new template for the content type.

Now i want to display several fields. That works:
Example: {{ content.field_shops }}

But i also want to add some html, so i wanted to check if there is something in content.field_shops and only let it be displayed if it is like that.

So i tried:
{% if content.field_shops %}{{ content.field_shops }}
{% endif %}

But it does not work ;-(

I also tried with "is empty", "ez_is_field_empty" and so on.

Do you have any idea how to check if a field contains data and only display it when it has any content.


richmaniac’s picture

This also does not work:
{% if content.field_land is not empty %}Land: {{ content.field_land }}
{% endif %}

It will always be shown ... anyway if it is filled or not ;-(

Jeff Burnz’s picture

Coule of ways...

Generally I'd say you have to render the field to know if it's empty.

  {% set field_image = content.field_image|render %}
  {% if field_image %}
    <div class="field-image-wrapper">{{ field_image }}</div>
  {% endif %}
  {% if content.field_image|render is not empty %}
    <div class="field-image-wrapper">{{ content.field_image }}</div>
  {% endif %}
richmaniac’s picture

Thanx for your answer. Are you really shure? Isn`t it an object? Don't you think the data is in the object bevore rendering?
Also ... you gave me an example for an image field ... is it the same with a text field?

Jeff Burnz’s picture

Yes, see this issue https://www.drupal.org/node/953034 only 195 comments to read through :)

The bottom line is, yes you can check for emptiness if you know what to check for - I am giving you a generic answer that should always work and does no harm to your site.

All fields are the same, pretty much.

Jeff Burnz’s picture

I was hunting for something else and stumbled on this stack exhange thread, you see Cottser suggests the same approach: http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/171092/how-do-i-access-field-d...

Rewted’s picture

  {% if content.field_name|render is not empty %}
    <div class="field-image-wrapper">{{ content.field_name }} Foo</div>
  {% endif %}

Any idea why the Foo text would display on another line under the name in this example?

Jeff Burnz’s picture

Yes, because something in content.field_name is a block level element, it likely has a div wrapper or an inline element like a span that is set to display: block etc.

Rewted’s picture

<div class="field__label">Lable</div>
<div class="field__item">5</div>

So you think it has to do with the CSS?

Jeff Burnz’s picture

Is this is a serious question or are you trying to be funny? Sorry I can't tell.

Rewted’s picture

Twig code:

{% if content.field_name|render is not empty %}
    <div>{{ content.field_name }} Foo</div>
  {% endif %}

Page source result:

<div class="field__label">Lable</div>
<div class="field__item">5</div>


Lable: Value

Jeff Burnz’s picture

OK, sorry, I'm a bit lame when it comes to humour etc, developer Aspergers ect...

This comes from the field template:

<div class="field__label">Lable</div>
<div class="field__item">5</div>

You can do one of two (or three) things here:

  1. Try setting the Label to "inline" in the Manage Display tab for the content type, it will depend on you theme to some extent if this will work for you.
  2. Copy the field template to your theme, create a suggestion for this field and remove or override the markup (e.g. use span tags instead of div.
  3. Use CSS to display the div elements on one line (use display: inline; or floats, flex etc, display: inline is easiest).
Rewted’s picture

Thanks for taking the time to explain, I appreciate your time, but also slowly learning. With your suggestion of modifying the CSS, the issue isn't with the label or field value, it's the additional text.

What I expect (one line):

Label Value Foo

What I get (two lines):

Label Value

Jeff Burnz’s picture

Try this and see what happens - I can't know for sure without seeing your site if this will work in your theme (I'd HAVE to see the site to know for sure what all the other CSS is doing etc):

{% if content.field_name|render is not empty %}
    <div>{{ content.field_name }}<div class="field__item">Foo</div></div>
  {% endif %}

I.e. it should create, according to your earlier posts:

<div class="field__label">Lable</div>
<div class="field__item">5</div>
<div class="field__item">Foo</div>
Rewted’s picture


{% if content.field_class1|render is not empty %}
    <div>{{ content.field_class1 }}<div class="field__item">Foo</div></div>
  {% endif %}

Page Source:

  <div data-quickedit-field-id="node/14086/field_class1/und/full" class="field field--name-field-class1 field--type-list-integer field--label-inline quickedit-field">
    <div class="field__label">Class</div>
              <div class="field__item">5</div>
<div class="field__item">Foo</div></div>

Class 5

Jeff Burnz’s picture

You can try:

.field--name-field-class1.field--label-inline {display: inline-block}

Like I said before, this is all guesswork because I can't see your site, this is my last post, sorry, I am busy and without seeing your site this is just punching in the dark.

Rewted’s picture

Didn't work, all 3 are on separate lines now. Wish I should show you but my sandbox doesn't touch the Internet. Thank you for your time.

mmjvb’s picture

and move the <div class="field__item">Foo</div> in there.

Rewted’s picture

I've noticed that <div class="field__item">Foo</div> is outside of the div too, but that's rendered automatically, I've not idea why. Jeff was able to suggest some additional CSS to get everything on one line, the NewsPlus Lite theme is causing issues.

Ralf Eisler’s picture

Yes, this helped!

diamondsea’s picture

I have had situations where the rendered field contains markup (mostly divs) but no actual content.  To avoid this I've used 

{% if content.field_name|render|striptags|trim %}
{{ content.field_name }}
{% endif %}

NOTE: This will NOT display a field that contains HTML but no non-tag content (such as a form with only input fields) as the HTML will all be stripped away and there will be nothing left, so it looks blank to the IF statement.

BrightBold’s picture

Thanks diamondsea, this is a great tip. I used it to keep Layout Builder from rendering a section if all the views in that row are empty. 

{% if (content.left or content.right %}wasn't working, but

{% set left = content.left|render|striptags|trim %}
{% set right = content.right|render|striptags|trim %}
{% if (left or right) %}

worked perfectly to prevent the section from appearing when there was no content. Thanks!

auxiliaryjoel’s picture

HI Jeff, this is a slightly different question but I couldn't find the answer anywhere...

I have an element on my twig page that I only want to show if the page is an Article,

so for example it would not show on my About page or my Home page, but it would show on all my articles.

I can't figure out what {% if %} to use to only display it on Articles. Do you know how I could do this?

Rewted’s picture

Is there any way to use a wildcard on content fields that differ slightly, for example...

  {% if content.field_name*|render is not empty %}
    <div>{{ content.field_name1 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name2 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name3 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name4 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name5 }}</div>
  {% endif %}
diamondsea’s picture

No, you'd have to test them all individually.  In your example (though the syntax is invalid) it would display all fields if any one of them had a value.  Simplest version would be something like:

{% if content.field_name1|render or content.field_name2|render or content.field_name3|render or content.field_name4|render or content.field_name5|render %}
    <div>{{ content.field_name1 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name2 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name3 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name4 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name5 }}</div>
  {% endif %}
mariami.ta’s picture

This worked for me

{% if content.field_name|render is not empty %}
    <div>{{ content.field_name }}<div class="field__item">Foo</div></div>
  {% endif %}

rwilson0429’s picture

Thanks mariami.ta.  That worked for me too.


diamondsea’s picture

That should work as long as the field contains no markup (wrapper DIVs, etc).  If it does, see my above comments.

auxiliaryjoel’s picture

Hi Diamondsea (is that Sonic Youth reference btw?)
how would i add a class to an already existing div.

Example: I am creating subtheme based of Barrio
the page.html.twig in barrio has this code:

<div id="main-wrapper" class="layout-main-wrapper clearfix">
{% block content %}
I want to change the div class from this:
"layout-main-wrapper clearfix"
to this:
"container-flex layout-main-wrapper clearfix"
I don't want to edit the barrio twigs though, I want use an {% if %} within my own subtheme page.html.twig file
but not sure how to do it ?
diamondsea’s picture

You should just be able to put your updated version of page.html.twig in your subtheme and it should pick that up instead of the parent theme's version.

(Actually my username is from an old diamond (gemstone) finding service web site (diamondsea.com) that I created.  Sonic Youth really killed my SEO when that song came out :-( ).

auxiliaryjoel’s picture

thanks for your reply @diamondsesa

the barrio subtheme that I'm using, has a page.html.twig, that extends the main theme's page.html.twig

{% extends "@bootstrap_barrio/layout/page.html.twig" %}
so because it's extending it, I can't add a div around the outside of the block, or do an If... to grab the existing div, because in either case I would be putting code outside of a block, which isn't possible within a twig file that is extending another one.
Hope I'm making sense there.... is there any other way I can 'call out' the existing div from the parent theme and add extra classes to it, whilst avoiding writing code outside of a block?
aaagepard’s picture

I use this variant, may be it will help somebody.

{% if node.field_name1.value or node.field_name2.value or node.field_name3.value or node.field_name4.value %}
    <div>{{ content.field_name1 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name2 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name3 }}</div>
    <div>{{ content.field_name4 }}</div>
  {% endif %}
auxiliaryjoel’s picture

Thanks for the tip aaagepard

i May use that for future use,

in this scenario what I ended up doing was checking the theme hook suggestions for twig file names for each particular area of my page. 

Once I created the new twigs I was able to add styles to the individual areas that way.