Hi guys,

Just a quick line of enquiry - is it possible to have a subtheme with Zen that only becomes responsive past a certain width - for example - starting a tablet size only?

I love everything about the Zen package and it's subtheme but I wanted to have a maximum width on the site (which it already has) but I didn't want it to start collapsing until a tablet size layout - not sure where to go from here?

Any help would be great!


schmook’s picture

You can try changing the breakpoints or removing the ones you don't want.

Look in /css/layout/responsive-sidebars.css (it is commented)

You will see the breakpoints defined as something like:

* Use 3 grid columns for smaller screens.

@media all and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 959px) {

Hope that helps.