I'm making a site with no users except admin, how do I make a page that only the admin can log into? Like in joomla you have www.site.com/administrator so no need for a log-in field in the public site. Thanks!


luno’s picture


(and turn off the login block)

jaku ayala’s picture

I had no idea this was possible. Thanks!

DeeMoney’s picture

...your post was made way back in 2006, but it helped me in 2010. Thanks mate!

cfemocha’s picture

I am also trying to build a login page for administrator only like so www.site.com/administrator, the link provided doesn't seem to work anymore, please help.

mjonesdinero’s picture

as what have said above the only way to have to do that is to have link that points in mysite.com/user

it well give you a log-in page..