I don't know the best way to achieve a result so I will provide the scenario and ask for HOW-TO advice.

When the view displays, I ultimately need it to group my person content type into 6 rows/sections for each of the following: 

  1. Postdoctoral Scholars
  2. Predoctoral Scholars (PhD)
  3. Laboratory Managers
  4. Master's Students
  5. Undergraduate Honor Thesis Students
  6. Other

A person may be in one or more of these groups and I can't figure out the best way to setup the field (and view) so that a person can display in any of the rows where 1-6 are selected. (Styling help is not required)

Example: If "John Doe" is a Postdoctoral Scholar and Laboratory Manager, I would like to see his content display in the rows/groups for both...

Amanda Brady, John Doe, Clark Kent

Jim Carey, John Doe, Rick Schroder

FORMAT - Set to "Grid"
SHOW - Set to "Fields"

Hope this makes sense...thank you in advance for any advice.


VM’s picture

have you set up a relationship in the view?

klborschel’s picture

That's unfamiliar to me as I am still new/learning. My current field is setup using taxonomy which allows me to select one of the 6 choices which then places the people into a rows/groups. My customer said there will be times a person needs to be listed in more than one group and I don't know the best way to do that.

You can see my current view output here to see what I am trying to do. Just note some people should be listed more than once.


VM’s picture

in your view under advanced, set up a relationship based on the taxonomy you've set up. You will want to further research relationships and contextual filters within views.

klborschel’s picture


I appreciate the info. I managed to fix my issue by changing out the field type and switching from Entity Reference to List (float)