I'm using Drupal8.
I created the "operator" role.
In /admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html I have also assigned "full HTML" to this role.

In admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html i've activate Administrator and Operator permission

see image http://www.ecommunication.it/imgformum/drupal3.png

When a user with an operator role edit a content, the CKeditor buttons do not appear (see image below)

see image http://www.ecommunication.it/imgformum/drupal1.png

This is what instead to the administrator

see image http://www.ecommunication.it/imgformum/drupal2.png

I tried to look in/admin/people/permissions/operator but here I did not find anything to enable/disable CKeditor permissions

How can I do ?

Thank you


mmjvb’s picture

and logout and login again as Operator.

crispiatico’s picture

I clear the cache as administrator

Now i login again as Operator but CKEditor non appear :-(

mmjvb’s picture

Created user operator
Created role operator
Assigned role operator to user operator
Allowed full html for role operator
Created dummy article

logged off and went to site
logged in as operator
clicked title to edit article on frontpage
edit artikel page shows with initially plain text to switch to ckeditor including buttons in basic html.
switch format to full html including buttons

So, I can't reproduce your issue, it works for me as expected. Seems there is even browser caching involved. Maybe try a different machine or clean browser as well. Do you have multiple browser tabs in use?  

crispiatico’s picture

Hallo mmjvb 

I recreated the same situation in another Drupal8 site and in fact everything works: the CKeditor buttons appear.
I will try to create another role on the site in production and see what happens.
Thank you