Alright, now I've spend a whole lot of time trying to figure out this Drupal. I managed to create an article and a Basic page and populated those with some basic information. I installed the Rate-module ( and have been trying to show it for several hours now. But without any success. So I'm hoping you guys are able to provide a step-by-step-guide of how to show this star. I managed to configure the module to show 10 stars, though, but the star itself is still unshowable.

Are anybody able to tell me how to use this module?

My system is Drupal Core 8.4.4 and I've been informed that I better not upgrade to versions ending by .0. That's why I haven't upgraded to 8.5.

I guess it's because of the versioning of Drupal that my display is nothing like the one shown in this video:


now I managed to show the stars. But the user isn't able to pick anything. Maybe I need to publish the site and access it through the IIS. I haven't discovered how to do this yet :-)


cfox612’s picture

Looks like version 8 is in dev, so there likely are many bugs in the module. You'd be better off posting in the modules issue queue or searching in there for patches that are not in the latest dev. It looks like the last commit was over a year ago, so keep that in mind.

cogitans’s picture

Hmmm, that's strange. I was advised to use this version in this post:

If this version is unstable, too, which version is usable to make a site with login of several people and where they are able to use a voting-system among other things?

mmjvb’s picture

That post is about Drupal, not the module rate, which you are talking about here. 

Also, seems you have poor understanding of the development workflow. In general you are advised to use the 'Stable' release versions. Those are the versions without any suffix behind the version. In the case of rate that would be 7.x-1.7, 8.x-1.0, 8.x-1.1 or 8.x-2.0. 

The development of the 8.x version is at the early stage: 8.x-1.x-dev. Assuming to be released as Stable: 8.x-1.0.  But before Stable could go thru 8.x-1.0-alpha, 8.x-1.0-beta, 8.x-1.0-rc. Each possibly followed by a number, e.g. 8.x-1.0-beta2. The developer is completely free to do whatever he wants. But you are advised to use 8.x-1.1. Although, you might opt for 8.x-1.0 once that is released. Picking one of the other versions, you must realize those are Work In Progress (WIP). Not ready for production!

Although the advise to stay away from .0 still stands, the impact of it might not be as big for a small utility as Rate. You may not even have a choice, development on 8.x-1.x started about a year ago, no idea when to expect 8.x-1.0, never mind 8.x-1.1.

For drupal itself, you should stay away from 8.5.0-alpha1. Probably even 8.5.0 (8.x-5.0) and wait for 8.5.1.

Stay away here is meant as: be aware of the risk you run when using that version.

cogitans’s picture

Eh, yes I was; quote:
"Expect it to be D8.4.4, the most recent version at the moment. Which means you need to downgrade to PHP 7.1. For information search the documentation for requirements.

When unfamiliar suggest to stay away from .0 releases (PHP 7.2.0, D8.5.0 (to come))."

I assumed that the module "Rate" was usable in all resent versions of Drupal. I guess I'll have to switch to a version in javascript then.

Well, I better not comment about you guys allegations about my understanding but it seems like a good idea that I downgrade to version 8 of Drupal. Maybe that (last) attempt of getting things working will solve the situation.

mmjvb’s picture

Again, that quote is from me and is about DRUPAL, not Rate!

As mentioned Rate only has a development release for D8. You are to stay away from development releases! You should stay with Stable releases. Both Drupal 8.5.0 and Rate 8.1.0 are not available as Stable!

Recent Stable for Drupal is 8.4.4
Recent Stable for Rate is 7.1.7, no stable release for D8. Agree with looking for alternatives when you can't resolve the issues you are expected to have with a dev release.

Well, I better not comment about you guys allegations about my understanding

Not sure what to think of that. Feel free to comment. Can only hope you don't feel offended by my assessment. It is not the lack of knowledge that is the problem. It is how you deal with it when being told!

cogitans’s picture

Ah, okay. I wasn't aware that a decimal versionnumber would be considered "stable" :-)

As  understand your writing about "Rate 7.1.7" then this is which version of Drupal that Rate is considered stable with. This has the consequnces that I'll have to search for another solution for my need of a solution to the rating-possibility for the client. I wish there was some site with the information of the possibilities. And on top of that a site where it's clearly stated which versions of the systems that are compatible (maybe this already is present at the module-page. Maybe I just didn't notice it :-) ).

mmjvb’s picture

It is still struggling with it, mainly the eco-system (contributed modules). That is why there is a 7.56 of drupal. Since version 8, there is 8.0.0 till 8.4.4 (most recent stable). Stable 8.5.0 expected in march 2018, currently in alpha with 8.5.0-alpha1.

As far as the eco-system is concerned as of drupal 8 they are expected to use semver as well. The first digit is for the version of drupal. The other two are for the component (distribution, module, theme) itself. But, with D9 that will probably change. Plans for D9 are to have support for D8 components. So, maybe the first digit will get disconnected form the drupal version, just like it is with any other php package.

So, for each version of three numbers it starts with -dev, followed by possibly one or multiple -alpha, followed by possibly one or multiple -beta, followed by possibly one or multiple -rc (short for release candidate), followed hopefully by the Stable (#.#.# without suffix).
Completely up to the developer to decide on his workflow. Could be his choice to start with -dev and next step to release Stable.

For searching for alternatives you can use
Skip the first three filters and decide on the core compatibility. You may reduce the list even more with Stability: Has a supported Stable release.
To be honest, don't know what it exactly filters.
Normally, I leave the order on most installed. But depending on the keywords you used you may try the order: relevancy.

There are other sites with this kind of information, unfortunately I can't recall them because I don't use them. Maybe someone else knows or try with google on drupal modules.

cogitans’s picture

Alright. Thanks :-)