I have a taxonomy page that embeds a view with exposed filters in a separated block.
In this block a user can filter for categories (=taxonomy term) with hierarchical select. (3 levels)

After user is hitting the view filter submit, I want him to redirect to the SELECTED category (=taxonomy term page). Reload with ajax is not a good solution because other page contents should reload as well if choosen category changes. So if user is changing some filters but not the category-filter, then the same page is reloaded with new filter values. If user is changen the category, then the user should be redirected to the new category page and keep the other filter values.

How can I achieve this? I suppose it would be necessary to add at redirect the filter argument to the url to pass it to the view?

Goal is to show the user always a category term page.
After reloading the category should be pre selected as well in the category filter (hierarchical select).