
I whant to duplicate a content type in drupal 8.

On the Bundle Copy home page, we can read :

Bundle Copy for Drupal 8

Bundle Copy is in Drupal 8 Core CMI!


You can find the export/import links for the supported entities on following paths:

Nodes: admin/structure/types
Taxonomy: admin/structure/taxonomy
Users: admin/config/people/accounts

But for D8, i didn't found any link :]

If i well understood what CMI is, i've to put my nose in the import / export configuration system.

so i try to use the export / import tool here : admin/config/development/configuration/single/export

without success.

i first tried to use "single configuration" export tool, but after selected the content type i wanted to duplicate, it didn't gave the dependencies, so the import failed event without any change. (see edit)

The other way i think about is to export the complete configuration, next find only the files about the content type targeted, make change and then import.

So how to duplicate a content type - or how to deal with the import / export single configuration tool ?


EDIT: that's what happening when I'm trying tu use single import: https://www.drupal.org/node/2694895


liquidcms’s picture

Yes, sadly this seems to be missing. As happened in early D7 days there were modules supposedly incorporated in core which severely lacked in functionality from previous Drupal version (see Admin Role for example).

I see there is a module called Entity Clone which seems to still need work. And an issue on Bundle Copy asking to port to D8 (https://www.drupal.org/project/bundle_copy/issues/2717909).. but i think it links to Entity Clone as well.