
I have a site setup which uses the views front page such that it allows me to have a front page which displays a bunch of webform nodes and their comments. I specifically set it up this way so that I could include the full node rather than a teaser because I needed the comments to be visible.

The website is bsc.coop/drupal_voc, which is currently setup such that I have the views front page set to /front and the same for the site default, however, this now makes the home page of the website bsc.coop/drupal_voc/front instead of bsc.coop/drupal_voc.

I am wondering if there is a way to use the views front page, but leave the sites home page url as the base bsc.coop/drupal_voc instead of bsc.coop/drupal_voc/front ?

I tried leaving the front page field in the views settings blank, but that throws an error: Display "Page" uses a path but the path is undefined.

Thanks for any help with this!


pragna’s picture

Using the 'Admin Menu': Configuration > Site Information.
Under the Front Page section, set "front" in FRONT PAGE.
For more detail see below url.

Pragna J Bhalsod

venkatadapa’s picture

Hi there,

It's very simple and out of the box solution. Follow the below instructions.

1. Login as admin
2.Goto admin/config/system/site-information
3. You will see a section called FRONT PAGE, Inside this box, you will see a Text field with label "Default front page".
Inside the text field, node is there by default, just change this to front i.e your path entered in view.

Then your site home page will render the content from that view and /front is removed from the url.