I have a very big vocabulary containing ~28 000 terms. If I want to create or edit term I meet the problem of huge amount of data being transmitted inside the "Parent term" listbox in term add/edit form. Taxonomy Manager has really nice autocomplete widget while editing term, but my terms have additional image field which is not handled by Taxonomy Manager, so I have to go to core taxonomy edit page if I want to add or replace image and it is very slow and annoying with such a big vocabulary. Is it possible to replace core widget with autocomplete one as it is possible in node add/edit page?


RealGecko’s picture


gielfeldt’s picture


It's possible to replace/remove the term parent form field using the esoteric variable "taxonomy_override_selector".

The Big Autocomplete TAXonomy supposedly does this, but after having tried it and looked at the code, it seems only to work with fields that can be managed (which parent cannot, someone correct me if I'm wrong).

There's also the D6 module TaxiSelect, but I haven't looked at that, and it supposedly only works on node add/edit forms.

However, I'm planning on creating a submodule for Taxonomy Edge to supply an autocomplete widget for both entity fields, the term parent field and with support for hierarchy (instead of just "tags", i.e. flat list).