I was about to update to the new drupal core so I backed up my site's database before starting to turn off contributed modules. Id turned off over half and after a save I suddenly started getting a white screen.

I went to my phpMyAdmin (MAMP) and emptied the database so I could load in my backup. However im getting this error:

SQL query:

INSERT INTO `cache_menu` VALUES('links:admin_menu:tree-data:cec4b1e806ff573441fab0ae40803c91', 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[...]

MySQL said:
#1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

Ive never had an error like this before. Im my local environment I have php.ini with 'memory_limit = 128M', and ive tried up to 1024B. The database is about 15MB but looking at previous backups others are about the same size.

Is this definably a lack of memory error? How can I check if my php.ini is working?


Anonymous’s picture


Did you export your SQL with extended inserts? When you export using phpMyAdmin, try unchecking the "Extended inserts" box in the Data panel on the Export page. This will create individual INSERT statements for each record in the tables, rather than one big INSERT for each table. Import that and see if it still chokes.

Good luck,

jdln’s picture

Ah, I dont have the original so I cant re-export the database. Thanks anyway though.

Anonymous’s picture


I found this link that may help -- make sure to read the whole thread.



tverrbjelke’s picture

thx, you helped me withthat!

Ramesh_Thakor’s picture

Use a backup_migrate module and backup by this module.. after you will easily database backup found and after also import your zip file in phpmyadmin.
module link backup_migrate

i was use this module and after easily backup my drupal site.

WillHall’s picture

jdln’s picture

Ive tried big dump and I get:

Query: INSERT INTO `cache_menu` VALUES('links:admin_menu:tree-data:cec4b1e806ff573441fab0ae40803c91', 0x613a323a7b733a343............
MySQL: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

Note, ..... means Ive abbreviated a really long string of characters. So I seem to be getting the same problem.

Thanks for your help but any other ideas?

WillHall’s picture

You must have some big menus - you can try deleting those entries from the sql file.

If its just cache who cares.

jdln’s picture

Sounds promising. How can I work out everything that's cache and delete it?

WillHall’s picture

"INSERT INTO `cache_menu`"

jdln’s picture

Is that a command for a php my admin interface or similar? As my database is not currently loaded, its just in a sql file, how can I run a command that like?

The site does have quite a lot of hierarchical menus so this does sound promising.


jpcwebb’s picture

Why don't you edit the sql file and delete all the cache table entries?

jdln’s picture

How do I know which are the cache tables?

jpcwebb’s picture

they are generally labelled as such, e.g. drupal_cache, drupal_cache_menu, drupal_cache_content etc
The only caveat is dependent on how you've emptied your database - did you drop the tables or just clear their contents? If the former, you'll need to leave the code in the sql file that recreates the structure, but just remove the data part, which is a bit more of a pain.

jdln’s picture

I tried importing it to a database on my hosting and it worked fine. As it was just my local host (MAMP) which wouldnt work I fixed it with a my.cnf file:

mattwmc’s picture

Use Backup/Migrate Moduel:


gynekolog’s picture

Change max_allowed_packed in my.ini (for xampp in mysql/bin) on bigger number (example:max_allowed_packet = 40M)

deepaktiwari’s picture

Very usefull post

drvdt’s picture

It works when I add behind line into this file Address: Server localhost/ /etc / my.cnf
max_allowed_packet = 128M
Please try it


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