Hello all, I searched all over the place for answers, and before you give me a list of reasons that are definitely not the answer lemme explain the problem:
I have a website named http://www.furix.net and if you click any link on the page, it loads EXTREMELY SLOW. I also have another site called http://www.ornarliengineering.com IT has the SAME MODULES, SAME HOST, except different theme and less content and settings maybe and ornarliengineering.com is FASTTTTT, except furix is slow.

Here's What I've tried so far to eliminate possible reasons:
1) I have looked in my admin panel for problems, and did a cron job manually
2) I have checked to see if Clean-URLs was causing the site to slow down, it was not, because ornarliengineering.com is FAST with clean-URLs.
3) I have added the same modules to both, and enabled them. Still same results, ornarli is fast, furix is slow.
4) I checked google.com to see if my images of my theme was large: site:furix.net and found that it was only 10kb, and my forums which is IPB is 34KB and works FAAAAAAST. So it's definitely DRUPAL RELATED my 1and1.com hosting is fine for both sites.
5) I checked the Database for overhead ... 0 overhead. Although there is a 229KB of "cache_menu" table. And I doubt thats the problem.
6) I notice that it is slow at 'connecting' but FAST at 'transferring data' according to my Firefox 2. Doesn't make sense to me.

Things I have not tried:
1) Adding same content/content-type/category to ornarliengineering
2) Try and use caching/gzip, because it seems to be hella fast with ornarliengineering, so I want to isolate the problem.


Island Usurper’s picture

Despite having the same host for your sites, their on two different servers. They have very different IP addresses. However, this doesn't explain why forums.furix.net is so much faster than Drupal because they are on the same server. I suspect there's some inefficient .htaccess trickery or something server-side that's clogging up the works.

Übercart -- One cart to rule them all.

VM’s picture

both sites loaded in about the same time for me. you could try installing the devel.module on the site you feel is slow, and see how many and how long the database querries are taking. A site with content will have more querries especially for the front page.

have you invesitgated caching ? are you using caching ? if so; what are your cache settings ?

executex’s picture

I think I found some PHP errors in my logs about favorite nodes... lemme try disabling that.

No no, its definitely at least 300x slower... I'm not using caching on either site... I wanna keep them similar, so that I can tell what the problem is.

VM’s picture

if you aren't adding the same "content" to each site, then they will never be similar. have to remember that content added to drupal goes INTO the database, therefore your querries on a site with content, will always be higher than a site without content.

executex’s picture

there seems to be log entries every second, a page loads... like this:
Table 'db*****.cache' doesn't exist query: DELETE from cache in /homepages/********/***/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 172.

It's quite weird, but it may explain the problem.

executex’s picture

Yeah this SQL error of trying to find cache Table keeps on going.
I disabled the CSS compressing stuff, and Cache had been disabled ALL along.
Also the status report is clear.
Except this log keeps talking about errors by trying to delete from cache... It's very weird.
My 3 other drupal sites, do not get this error. Is there any way to fix it? I'm sure this is the reason of the slowness.

Although if you guys suggest, I can add the same content as well, but I doubt it's the problem, although it could be GeSHi mod, but I doubt it since the other sites have it too.

budda’s picture

Not sure if i missed a comment, but...

are you logged in to one site and not the other when doing the page load tests?
An anonymous user gets served a cached page - so less queries.

executex’s picture

I even pinged both websites, and the ping to the faster website is 10x faster. So It is definitely related to the php errors about cache. but I don't understand, there is NO caching going on, why is Drupal persistently trying to access the cache table??? If anyone's willing, I can give you temporary admin access to see the problem yourself...

VM’s picture

drupal caches some things for anon users regardless of settings. have you tryed clearing the cache table ?

executex’s picture

I deleted the cache menu, and it seems to be empty, but it didn't change any speeds on loading.

BAMaustin’s picture

I saw what you were talking about on the 1st connect to the furix.net versus ornarliengineering.com sites. I couldn't see as much difference on reloads after they were locally cached.

My first thought was maybe this was outside the Drupal implementation. I noticed that the faster domain was registered about a month ago and the slower was about 6 months ago. The WhoIs listings show a number of inconsistencies (besides the utter crap registrar Schlund+Partner AG puts in their listings) between the two sites.

Doing a tracert for furix.net was pretty interesting compared to the other. Even though there were fewer hops, the nameserver didn't perform as well. The delay at the oneandone.net hops was nearly 100x worse. If it is taking longer (with more confusion) for every packet being delivered, I'm not surprised that overall performance is in the toilet.

It might be interesting to bypass the DNS -- except that it looks like maybe some load balancing stuff and whatever games Perfora.net is playing are getting in the way.

I'm lucky that I can simplify some of my tests on the shared servers of my host by just using the IP Address found in the WhoIs. (That helps since most of this routing crap confuses the heck outta me!)
Both of your IP Addresses give 404 errors. The IP address for Drupal.org routes you to a database setup screen so I guess you're not alone.

Probably worth some time simplifying these issues.

executex’s picture

I was wondering, is there any mod, that shows Execution time, db-queries, and other data, at the footer/block?? It could help figure out the real speed... But any other site thats at furix thats not drupal works fast... Any suggestions? Should I try and disable all modules?

executex’s picture

I found a tool called Devel.
Is 5238.93 ms page load, 92 queries, and 3869.19 ms ...... normal???
Also seems like a lot of memory usage, and a lot of cache stuff going on even though cache is disabled!!!
All this for simply loading frontpage????

Executed 92 queries in 3869.19 milliseconds. Queries taking longer than 5 ms and queries executed more than once, are highlighted. Page execution time was 5238.93 ms.
ms	#	where	query
38.74	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT COUNT(pid) FROM drpl_url_alias
38.4	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT src FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE dst = 'node'
38.89	1	module_list	SELECT name, filename, throttle, bootstrap FROM drpl_system WHERE type = 'module' AND status = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC
194.82	1	cache_get	SELECT data, created, headers, expire FROM drpl_cache_menu WHERE cid = '1:en'
38.76	1	cache_get	SELECT data, created, headers, expire FROM drpl_cache WHERE cid = 'views_with_inline_args:en'
38.97	1	node_access_view_all_nodes	SELECT COUNT(*) FROM drpl_node_access WHERE nid = 0 AND ((gid = 0 AND realm = 'all')) AND grant_view >= 1
39.56	1	pager_query	SELECT COUNT(*) FROM drpl_node n WHERE n.promote = 1 AND n.status = 1
38.88	1	pager_query	SELECT n.nid, n.sticky, n.created FROM drpl_node n WHERE n.promote = 1 AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.sticky DESC, n.created DESC LIMIT 0, 15
38.76	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'rss.xml'
38.8	1	list_themes	SELECT * FROM drpl_system WHERE type = 'theme'
39.12	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'misc/feed.png'
39.6	1	node_load	SELECT n.nid, n.vid, n.type, n.status, n.created, n.changed, n.comment, n.promote, n.sticky, r.timestamp AS revision_timestamp, r.title, r.body, r.teaser, r.log, r.format, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM drpl_node n INNER JOIN drpl_users u ON u.uid = n.uid INNER JOIN drpl_node_revisions r ON r.vid = n.vid WHERE n.nid = 14
39.38	1	_node_types_build	SELECT nt.type, nt.* FROM drpl_node_type nt ORDER BY nt.type ASC
39.21	1	comment_nodeapi	SELECT last_comment_timestamp, last_comment_name, comment_count FROM drpl_node_comment_statistics WHERE nid = 14
39.29	1	path_nodeapi	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'node/14'
39.9	1	taxonomy_node_get_terms	SELECT t.* FROM drpl_term_node r INNER JOIN drpl_term_data t ON r.tid = t.tid INNER JOIN drpl_vocabulary v ON t.vid = v.vid WHERE r.nid = 14 ORDER BY v.weight, t.weight, t.name
64.24	1	upload_load	SELECT * FROM drpl_files f INNER JOIN drpl_file_revisions r ON f.fid = r.fid WHERE r.vid = 14 ORDER BY f.fid
39.18	1	cache_get	SELECT data, created, headers, expire FROM drpl_cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:04aee3f935e6b7ed7471f68a7d0c6397'
39.01	1	filter_format_allowcache	SELECT cache FROM drpl_filter_formats WHERE format = 3
39.22	1	filter_list_format	SELECT * FROM drpl_filters WHERE format = 3 ORDER BY weight ASC
38.86	1	comment_num_all	SELECT comment_count FROM drpl_node_comment_statistics WHERE nid = 14
39.06	1	statistics_get	SELECT totalcount, daycount, timestamp FROM drpl_node_counter WHERE nid = 14
39.16	1	taxonomy_get_vocabulary	SELECT v.*, n.type FROM drpl_vocabulary v LEFT JOIN drpl_vocabulary_node_types n ON v.vid = n.vid WHERE v.vid = 2 ORDER BY v.weight, v.name
38.85	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'comment/reply/14'
38.81	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'node/14'
38.9	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'user/1'
38.58	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy/term/6'
39.29	1	node_load	SELECT n.nid, n.vid, n.type, n.status, n.created, n.changed, n.comment, n.promote, n.sticky, r.timestamp AS revision_timestamp, r.title, r.body, r.teaser, r.log, r.format, u.uid, u.name, u.picture, u.data FROM drpl_node n INNER JOIN drpl_users u ON u.uid = n.uid INNER JOIN drpl_node_revisions r ON r.vid = n.vid WHERE n.nid = 7
38.79	1	comment_nodeapi	SELECT last_comment_timestamp, last_comment_name, comment_count FROM drpl_node_comment_statistics WHERE nid = 7
38.85	1	path_nodeapi	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'node/7'
51.29	1	taxonomy_node_get_terms	SELECT t.* FROM drpl_term_node r INNER JOIN drpl_term_data t ON r.tid = t.tid INNER JOIN drpl_vocabulary v ON t.vid = v.vid WHERE r.nid = 7 ORDER BY v.weight, t.weight, t.name
40.3	1	upload_load	SELECT * FROM drpl_files f INNER JOIN drpl_file_revisions r ON f.fid = r.fid WHERE r.vid = 7 ORDER BY f.fid
52.39	1	cache_get	SELECT data, created, headers, expire FROM drpl_cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:61b7316a61930d1444a99aac69f54cd3'
38.8	1	filter_format_allowcache	SELECT cache FROM drpl_filter_formats WHERE format = 1
38.9	1	filter_list_format	SELECT * FROM drpl_filters WHERE format = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC
39.59	1	comment_num_all	SELECT comment_count FROM drpl_node_comment_statistics WHERE nid = 7
40.79	1	statistics_get	SELECT totalcount, daycount, timestamp FROM drpl_node_counter WHERE nid = 7
39.32	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'comment/reply/7'
39.27	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'node/7'
39.29	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy/term/2'
39.08	1	block_list	SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM drpl_blocks b LEFT JOIN drpl_blocks_roles r ON b.module = r.module AND b.delta = r.delta WHERE b.theme = 'FuriX' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (2,4) OR r.rid IS NULL) ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module
38.64	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'node'
44.78	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'admin/settings/devel'
38.59	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'devel/cache/clear'
38.81	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'admin/logs/status/php'
38.51	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'devel/reference'
38.85	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'devel/reinstall'
38.63	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'devel/menu/reset'
38.68	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'devel/variable'
38.88	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'devel/session'
38.92	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy_menu/7'
38.79	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy_menu/3'
39.11	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'node/add'
42.43	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'devel/queries'
38.77	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy_menu/6'
38.89	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy_menu/2'
38.86	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy_menu/4'
38.83	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'node/4'
38.6	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'taxonomy_menu/5'
38.8	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'aggregator'
39.09	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'tracker'
38.85	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'buddylist'
39.04	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'contact'
38.7	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'admin'
38.91	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'logout'
38.93	1	comment_get_recent	SELECT n.nid FROM drpl_node_comment_statistics n WHERE n.comment_count > 0 ORDER BY n.last_comment_timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 10
39.24	1	buddylist_get_buddies	SELECT b.buddy, u.name, u.mail, u.uid FROM drpl_buddylist b INNER JOIN drpl_users u ON b.buddy = u.uid WHERE b.uid = 1
38.92	1	buddylist_get_buddy_groups	SELECT bg.label_id, bg.label, bg.visible FROM drpl_buddylist_groups bg INNER JOIN drpl_buddylist_buddy_group bbg ON bbg.uid = bg.uid WHERE bbg.uid = 1 AND bg.label_id = bbg.label_id AND bbg.buddy = 5
38.94	1	buddylist_get_buddies	SELECT uid FROM drpl_sessions WHERE uid IN (5) AND timestamp > 1174964273
38.89	1	buddylist_block	SELECT n.nid, n.status, n.type, u.uid, u.name, n.created, n.title FROM drpl_node n INNER JOIN drpl_users u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.uid IN (5) ORDER BY n.nid DESC LIMIT 0, 7
38.73	1	poll_block	SELECT MAX(n.created) FROM drpl_node n INNER JOIN drpl_poll p ON p.nid = n.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND p.active = 1
41.43	1	sess_count	SELECT COUNT(sid) AS count FROM drpl_sessions WHERE timestamp >= 1174965173 AND uid = 0
39.07	1	user_block	SELECT u.uid, u.name FROM drpl_users u INNER JOIN drpl_sessions s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE s.timestamp >= 1174965173 AND s.uid > 0 ORDER BY s.timestamp DESC
38.91	1	user_block	SELECT uid, name FROM drpl_users WHERE status != 0 AND access != 0 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0, 5
40.02	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'user/19'
38.93	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'user/17'
38.79	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'user/16'
38.87	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'user/14'
38.8	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'user/13'
54.61	1	user_load	SELECT * FROM drpl_users u WHERE uid = 5
38.97	1	user_load	SELECT r.rid, r.name FROM drpl_role r INNER JOIN drpl_users_roles ur ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = 5
48.34	1	buddylist_get_buddies	SELECT b.buddy, u.name, u.mail, u.uid FROM drpl_buddylist b INNER JOIN drpl_users u ON b.buddy = u.uid WHERE b.uid = 5
38.74	1	buddylist_get_buddy_groups	SELECT bg.label_id, bg.label, bg.visible FROM drpl_buddylist_groups bg INNER JOIN drpl_buddylist_buddy_group bbg ON bbg.uid = bg.uid WHERE bbg.uid = 5 AND bg.label_id = bbg.label_id AND bbg.buddy = 1
38.6	1	buddylist_get_buddy_groups	SELECT bg.label_id, bg.label, bg.visible FROM drpl_buddylist_groups bg INNER JOIN drpl_buddylist_buddy_group bbg ON bbg.uid = bg.uid WHERE bbg.uid = 5 AND bg.label_id = bbg.label_id AND bbg.buddy = 19
38.71	1	buddylist_get_buddies	SELECT uid FROM drpl_sessions WHERE uid IN (1,19) AND timestamp > 1174964273
38.87	1	profile_load_profile	SELECT f.name, f.type, v.value FROM drpl_profile_fields f INNER JOIN drpl_profile_values v ON f.fid = v.fid WHERE uid = 5
38.54	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'user/5'
39	1	drupal_lookup_path	SELECT dst FROM drpl_url_alias WHERE src = 'search/node'
38.64	1	system_region_list	SELECT * FROM drpl_system WHERE type = 'theme' AND name = 'FuriX'
38.72	1	sess_write	SELECT sid FROM drpl_sessions WHERE sid = '22cfb6d5eac8fae80d92afcbb8bec09c'
77.98	1	sess_write	UPDATE drpl_sessions SET uid = 1, cache = 0, hostname = '', session = 'user_overview_filter|a:0:{}form|a:23:{s:32:\"779f138ed191d4488d983c3e435f866e\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174924327;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"d6f7048b612a27d6304ca6a276912ea0\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174924478;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"67711af52a85921c5c417695f19d03ce\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174925108;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"a72e9958e3ca827d0e5652754f45a0f3\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174925176;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"796ef7e3c9653d3f1907a1d8ba4b8204\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174925234;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"5bf949f36a6218c409c6675621407871\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174925911;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"8ebc1ca98dc1d70b833ad718628e71fd\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174925942;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"8a25987b275be53b0d1e9d15594e605a\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174926046;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"9974e0604ce51a0f925580d1e05ae2e4\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174926073;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"306472c4c71eebcd3a2a3dbf4780303a\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174936961;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"506913f6e4a03e30642ece7b3aad7b21\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174949482;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"9d951ebebecef25baff3ad5e385485d8\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174956884;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"7faa694a9bd7fa1e88ef3ee4b9898332\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174956958;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"3fd2d8aa2c95caee8d9467ea0448c0f2\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174959001;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"5aba6f9f1f5e5bd0cb3106cd185fa061\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174964686;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"9e22405a7789250fb8b82e0f9d806002\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174964709;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"41ce06f5c636ae111ec93dfd4645eaf4\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174964761;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"f1ea64c7a09b2db7337b9e5dc952778d\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174964805;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"9d17258a091d4d176942ead12fd30845\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174964836;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"63e58ccf0c84db87f0fb28cdb2b51618\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174964859;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"41cfef3fe4a92ff09c94732a61179e12\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174964904;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"ecef5857523475cc2ae4d0a7fb433c64\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174965696;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}s:32:\"5e68de79d6b47c0c877734e657cfe441\";a:2:{s:9:\"timestamp\";i:1174965735;s:4:\"args\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"system_modules\";}}}node_overview_filter|a:0:{}watchdog_overview_filter|s:3:\"all\";', timestamp = 1174966074 WHERE sid = '22cfb6d5eac8fae80d92afcbb8bec09c'
39.13	1	sess_write	UPDATE drpl_users SET access = 1174966074 WHERE uid = 1
Memory usage:

    * Memory used at devel_init(): 8.04 MB
    * Memory used at devel_shutdown(): 8.7 MB

COMPARED to OrnarliEngineering.com which takes 10 milliseconds for queries 194.67 ms the whole page.. and only 17 queries for front page. VS 92 queries... what the hell is going on?

executex’s picture

seems like it's still slow, I tried disabling a lot of modules, but it doesn't make a difference.
It seems to me like as if Drupal is doing a few queries a few times too much. Like as if it puts them in some loop??
What could it be?

executex’s picture

I guess no one has had a slow website problem.

executex’s picture

Still haven't found what's causing the problem, can anyone help?

VM’s picture

the more url aliases you use the more querries will be needed, hence the all the calls to drupal lookup path.

have you tried optimizing your database tables ?
have you read through the hanbook pages on optimizing your drupal installation ?

are all database being used, on the same server ?

you state that shutting off modules didnt help, which ones did you shut off ? and it made "0" difference in the amount of querries run ?

what about shutting off blocks ? any difference in querries ?

executex’s picture

I didn't read any handbooks, but all my DB tables are optimized, and every db is in a separate server.

After I disabled a lot of modules it made it really easy.
When I disabled useless modules like buddylist, and views, poll, and help. It took quite a load off, but nothing compares to the amount of reduction in time load then the deletion of ALL my URL Aliases (all 8). URL Aliases take a lot of queries.

This is the result:
Executed 34 queries in 1847.38 milliseconds. Queries taking longer than 5 ms and queries executed more than once, are highlighted. Page execution time was 3327.7 ms.

However, it is still not as low as OrnarliEngineering.com which has 17 queries, and same modules activated (more modules than furix), and also the queries there take 1 millisecond each while the queries in furix.net take 39 ms each.
Seems like theres something wrong with my database or something perhaps I should ask my host.

The result of disabling ALL modules:
Executed 24 queries in 1229.84 milliseconds. Queries taking longer than 5 ms and queries executed more than once, are highlighted. Page execution time was 1697.31 ms.

But I need some modules, and I wish I could use Path/url alias module, its so important for me... :(. What do I do?

pcs305’s picture

Depending on how many DB's you can create(I'm on 1and1and have 100 available) why don't you create a new DB, see and make sure it is on a different server then move your Drupal db to the new server and see if it makes a difference?

executex’s picture

hmm thats not a bad idea, because each DB is on a separate database. I also emailed the host, let's see what happens.

hectorplus’s picture

You said that the more URL aliases the more queries needed. So what is the point of enabling pathauto module then, if it only slows down the site? What if you have hundreds of URL aliases?

What is your suggestion? Just clean URLs? or clean URLs with pathauto? or clean URL with path module?

I need to create something like. http://example.com/community, without using the pathauto module.

Any advice, suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

Share what's in your folder for the Hispanic community in Canada.

VM’s picture

personally, i use very few aliases. I believe there is some improvement for this situation coming down the pipeline whether it makes it into D6 or not, I would have no idea.

ho3ard’s picture

But I clicked around in yours and didn't find it particularly slow.

executex’s picture

Well, it still takes about 5-10 seconds of "page execution", so thats a lot of PHP to read.
Also 2-4 seconds of DB query, because each query takes 30 ms, not 1 ms (which is the normal rate).
So This really adds up at 32 queries.

Willdex’s picture

Any update on the situation yet? I'm on Dreamhost and it takes quiet a while to load any [not just the first] page. I currently have a few [<10] alias, have only 1 database working [I have 3 websites, but 2 of them are not really active [test sites], I'm only concertrating on the one that's in the signature - very passionate about it], a few vital modules installed and enabled: only the Blog, Comment, Contact, Drupal, Help, Menu, Path, Ping, Profile, Search, Statistics, Taxonomy, Upload in the Optional are installed and, of course, all in the Core; the User Registration Module, Avatar, DHTML, Drutex, Taxonomy Access Control, TinyMCE and the Update Status modules. Cannot disclose any specifics, but, hopefully, you get the idea.

It's been happening for a while now [approximately 1.5 months], and I can't see a solution.
Billy | Major: Accounting | CityTech@CUNY | Student Block.`

VM’s picture

I'm not finding your site slow either. (the one in your sig).

Willdex’s picture

It's as slow as a turtle. No bs. My connection is Verizon, I'm in Brooklyn, NY. At both my home and my job the access is really slow. At home I use FF 2.x and at the job it's IE 6.0.
Billy | Major: Accounting | CityTech@CUNY | Student Block.

VM’s picture

My connection is served by comcast cable.

Here is a videocast of your site loading in IE7 see verymisunderstood.com/help/speed.html. watch the progress bar of the browser in the lower part of the screen.

Willdex’s picture

Here's its link. I'm not sure if you'll be able to play it or not, but it's there for all to see. The wait.swf is 10 MB.
Billy | Major: Accounting | CityTech@CUNY | Student Block.

Willdex’s picture

Totally. I mean at all. No response for nearly 2 hours! LITERALLY!!! I've measured. 1:48:34 and counting...WTF?! Did someone just perform the Digg effect on my site?
Update: please disregard the note above: DH was down all this time. My site is back up.
Billy | Major: Accounting | CityTech@CUNY | Student Block.

hectorplus’s picture

I was having similar problems with speed, too. My pages were loading very very slow. This was like more than a month ago.

It seems to me that you have to tell/train Dreamhost that your site exists, once it know it, it will eventually start loading your page fast.

Share what's in your folder for the Hispanic community in Canada.

Willdex’s picture

I don't quiet understand it. I pay a tremendous amount of attention to detail. By "once it know it" did you mean once it knows that my website exists? The robot? Even the Google robot knows it exists. Forgive me/let me know [I mean it, so it doesn't happen again] if I hurt your feeling in any way.
Billy | Major: Accounting | CityTech@CUNY | Student Block.

hectorplus’s picture

Well, when i signed up for hosting with Dreamhost, the first couple of days my pages were loading very very slow, some people complained about it. As the days and weeks went by, my pages started to load faster. Well now it's all ok. I never figured out what caused the problem.
All i have to say is that Dreamhost had some issues with my site, but not necessarily Drupal related.

Share what's in your folder for the Hispanic community in Canada.

Willdex’s picture

Ok, then how should I let them know that my site exists? Off the topic, your site gives me 500 error.
Billy | Major: Accounting | CityTech@CUNY | Student Block.

Chill35’s picture

Will, I have a dial-up connection and you site loads very quickly.

Dreamhost has had a lot of problems in the past month. So the upload may vary greatly over time, if you were affected by these problems.

A coder's guide to file download in Drupal
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11 heavens

Willdex’s picture

I hear ya. Would you happen to know if DH is aware of this, and, if it is aware, is there something to be done about it?
Billy | Major: Accounting | CityTech@CUNY | Student Block.

moshebeeri’s picture

I have been setting up the site on rackspace machine with 1G Ram (economic) on Ubuntu sever LAMP architecture.
MySql 5.2 DB is on the same machine all optimized and I have a very good download speed from the server about 100k bps.
I am running Apache2 and PHP5
I don't know why it is relatively slow.
I would expect it to be match faster, is there any thing I can install in my machine to make it faster, do you think the Squid cache may be a good solution? if I install it as reverse proxy? any idea? do you think I have enough computation power?
please take a look at http://ofno.co.il

VM’s picture

There are many ways to optimize performance of a drupal install. d.o uses varnish I think.
Either way, check out 2bits.com and the performance group on groups.drupa.org for tips on performance optimization.

mga’s picture


My sites are hosted in a MediaTemple Grid Server. I use Drupal 6 in one of them:


I have a Flash UI displaying data from drupal:


I was having the following:

Executed 2227 queries in 16052.6 milliseconds. Queries taking longer than 5 ms and queries executed more than once, are highlighted. Page execution time was 25733.94 ms.

I am loading the whole database for display in Flash (a couple of hundred nodes... not THAT much) but since Views does not work very well with Services I had to modify that module as in:


This is killing my site, but I have upgraded my databases to use the Grid Container service that (mt) offers and this is how they look now:

Executed 2226 queries in 2770.57 milliseconds. Queries taking longer than 5 ms and queries executed more than once, are highlighted. Page execution time was 6291.36 ms.

Six seconds is A LOT still but it is a 300% improvement just there!

Well just wanted to share that info. I am still looking for ways of improving that but the Views module just doesn't help.

winternett’s picture

I have had the same performance problems with my hosting co. They have reverted to old php.ini settings many times, reducing my memory allocation. I suspect they do it to encourage me to upgrade my hosting package so they make more money. Adding Drupal Modules caused my sites to get slower and slower, and tech support is often the last resort after you've tried on your own because you'll go crazy trying to figure it all out when you're not a hosting admin, and when your hosting co. only provides a limited control panel.

vmcg’s picture

The only fix for this is to right click on the site folder and delete it, all Drupal sites are slow. You can customise the settings and clear all the caches won't make a difference. Built it yourself in PHP!

MrAdamJohn’s picture

Common causes for slow sites are easy enough to find, PHP memory, module issues etc.. things addressed from the top of this thread.

However, one less highlighted issue is very large tables, such as the sessions and accesslog tables (even watchdog). This is because these tables are critical to page generation. When they get too large, and they are not optimized, they can hold up the querying necessary to render a page. I suggest either archive them or dump them. I have seen this improve performance 10x on large, popular sites that are not ready to shell out to implement varnish and/or other cache/acceleration techniques.

Just my $0.02 on this thread. ;)

nikhi.pk’s picture

only login part is taking too much time other than that everything is ok,this is the reason why i confused please help me for this

dsun09’s picture

I use ixwebhosting and I have 3 sites there. The other 2 sites use wordpress and there is no performance issue. This site: http://www.dsun.us is very very slow and sometimes it exceed the max time out.

One thing may worth mention is that this is not a clean install. It was migrated from another web host where it worked well.

soumn’s picture

I have a similar problem. Subscribing for news.

HandymanDave’s picture

I had very slow loading time too. Then I reinstalled drupal and unchecked the update automatically box. Works fine now. Hope this helps. dave

diazcooper’s picture

Hi, what was the final result on this? Did you figure out what was causing the problem? I didn't see a conclusion.

elangoa’s picture

Please try to use the cache modules. Check the URL

apachebooster’s picture


The performance of drupal may be enhanced by making use of web accelerators like "Apachebooster".
It will enhance the server performance and thus load the drupal in a much faster manner
More about this may be read here

bribread22’s picture

You could try using the Firefox add-on Drupal for Firebug. This module can tell you all the queries executed on every page, all views, nodes, etc. Link to Drupal for Firebug Drupal Module. When you use this tool, you will also need to have the module enabled and the devel module enabled for it to work properly. But do not use the devel module in a production environment, because it is for debugging purposes.

Another tool that tells you more about why the site may be slow from a network perspective is the YSlow browser add-on. This tells you if you have things like too many HTTP requests or too many js or css files.