What modules do i need if i want something like http://www.ecadamy.com? i meant the 4 blocks of articles (Articles, Blogs, Polls & News, Marketplace Listings, Club Messages - Online, Club Messages - Offline) on the frontpage body.
i also noticed a module.php on their website, is it an open source?


yesman123’s picture

dami’s picture

Try panel + views module.

lenkkivihko’s picture

Did you mean Panels module?

Harjoituspäiväkirja - www.lenkkivihko.fi

yesman123’s picture

thanks, i installed panels module, but it is having a problem with drupal 5.0 (when i was clicking a picture under add):
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: _views_get_default_views() in sites/all/modules/panels/content_types/views.inc on line 56
also this panels does not seem to create 2 columns on the body. i want a left sidebar, a right sidebar and then 2 columns of contents just like http://www.goingon.com or http://www.ecademy.com/

yesman123’s picture

any expert?

dami’s picture

Did you install the views module as well? I recommend also download the 'views bonus pack' to help you start.
Views + Panels module is very powerful and definately can give you the 2 col layout. A breif intro can be found on the developer's site:
You can see it alive through the demo link:

If you are really interested and want to develop your own views and panel layout, we have one lesson dedicated on views+panels+cck mashup at drupal-dojo group.
You can download the screencast here:

VM’s picture

Taking a look at this document "The Anatomy of a Front Page" may help http://drupal.org/node/115530