Iam new to drupal and i need a free Module for SSO SAML to set up drupal 9 as Idendity provider. I checked the miniorange saml idp, but that is much expensive. My requirement is that when drupal user login to drupal website they will be automatically logged in to a third party website developed in java. This third party has already incorporated saml as service provider.

So can any one suggest me how to achieve this in drupal 9?


VM’s picture

you should review already existing modules in contrib such as https://www.drupal.org/project/samlauth

per google, there may be others. see: https://www.google.com/search?q=drupal+saml&sxsrf=ALeKk01NQdszBdctkia3-7...

suntech’s picture

Here the module https://www.drupal.org/project/samlauth

describes that this module is used for serving drupal site as service provider but i need drupal site to serve as identity provider.

Most of the module available are supporting durpal as service provider not as identity provider. So your suggestions will be much appreciated.

VM’s picture

my suggestion is to learn how to use the search functionality of the internet at large or at least drupal.org.

refining the keywords to "drupal SAML identity provider" will give you the results you need.

suntech’s picture

Does any one has any idea?

VM’s picture

did you review the link I provided above? the 1st result specifically states "SAML Identity Provider module allows users residing in your Drupal site to login to your SAML 2.0 compliant Service Provider. " which aligns with what you've asked for as far as I can tell.

suntech’s picture

I think you are talking about mini orange module https://plugins.miniorange.com/drupal-saml-idp

This is a paid one and very costly. Iam looking for a free module.
Let me try this module. https://www.drupal.org/project/drupalauth4ssp

VM’s picture

fair enough. Glad you found something else.