
I create a module for generating a custom field in a view.

It works but the $phrase generate is not html because the sentence is contained in quotation marks.


	<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
	<!-- THEME HOOK: 'views_view_field' -->
	<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/stable/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' -->
		<div class="phrase">1 appartement neuf <br><img alt="Sigle Habitec" src="/themes/contrib/almede/images/cigle.png"><br><div class="prix">167 000 €</div></div>
	<!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/themes/stable/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' -->


How to remove these quotes?


namespace Drupal\views_custom_field\Plugin\views\field;

use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Random;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase;
use Drupal\views\ResultRow;

 * A handler to provide a field that is completely custom by the administrator.
 * @ingroup views_field_handlers
 * @ViewsField("_custom_views_field")
class _customViewsField extends FieldPluginBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function usesGroupBy() {
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function query() {
    // Do nothing -- to override the parent query.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function defineOptions() {
    $options = parent::defineOptions();

    $options['hide_alter_empty'] = ['default' => FALSE];
    return $options;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildOptionsForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    parent::buildOptionsForm($form, $form_state);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function render(ResultRow $values) {
    // Return a random text, here you can include your custom logic.
    // Include any namespace required to call the method required to generate
    // the desired output.
    //$random = new Random();
    //return $random->name();

if ($this->view->current_display=='block_offre' || $this->view->current_display=='block_residence' || $this->view->current_display=='block_terrains') {

      //on load le noeud
      $node = $values->_entity;
    //on calcul le nombre de lots
     $nb = 0;
     $prix = [];
     foreach ($node->field_lots as $lot) {
     if ($prix) {
        $prix_leplus_bas = min($prix);
		if ($nb==1) {
			$phrase ='<div class="phrase">'.$nb.' appartement neuf '.'<br>'.'<img alt="Sigle Habitec" src="/themes/contrib/almede/images/cigle.png">'.'<br>'.'<div class="prix">'.$prix_leplus_bas.' €'.'</div>'.'</div>';

       if ($nb > 0 && isset($phrase)){
        return $phrase ;



zorax’s picture