
in a project I'm currently working on, I want to use a db_select query with a pager and range. However I had no success achieving it.

My code is the following:

      $query = db_select('node', 'n');
      $query = $query->extend('PagerDefault')->element('0')->limit($limit);
      $query->fields('n', array('nid', 'title'))
        ->condition('n.type', 'project');
      $results = $query->execute()->fetchAll();

The range values are ignored in this setting.

I presume the reason for this behavior can be found in https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!pager.inc/function/PagerDefau... , as the pager execution function overwrites the range function of the pager query there. I don't see a reason to not include original range values as offset / max values there, but anyway, is there a way to achieve pagination AND offset in a db_select query?



Jaypan’s picture

I believe the following is what you want.

      $query = db_select('node', 'n')->extend('PagerDefault');
      $query->fields('n', array('nid', 'title'))
        ->condition('n.type', 'project')
      $results = $query->execute()->fetchAll();

The start of your range is defined by the page set in $_GET['page']. The number of values is determined by the limit().

leeresglas’s picture

Hm, no, not really. Suppose I have 40 nodes that are displayed on a page of 10 items each. What I want, is to exclude the first 2 items from this list of nodes. In the end I've chosen to use two queries where the second query (which is the paged one) is offset by a condition that relates to the ordering values of the first query.

RoloDMonkey’s picture

Why not use a View? I'm pretty sure this is possible with the Views module.


Read more at iRolo.net

leeresglas’s picture

Because of multiple filters and joins and expressions that would be (at least in my opinion) much more difficult to implement in views...

RoloDMonkey’s picture

I have some incredibly complicated queries using Views and Views-related modules. But, sometimes that is more cumbersome than writing the whole thing myself. Also, Views can generate some remarkably inefficient queries.

What I would do is find the settings in Views that allow you to determine an initial off-set, and then follow the code to see how those settings effect the query building. However, this might be quite a bit of work since Views are so abstracted that it might be hard to trace the setting all the way back to the query.


Read more at iRolo.net

vipul tulse’s picture

Need the exact same code in Drupal 8