Not sure if this is an installation problem, an upgrade problem or a module problem . . .

Neither Drupal's statistics at the admin level nor its statistics trends module is working. To make matters worse, I installed Drupal into my account's root directory, and Drupal's .htaccess file apparently prevents me accessing the AWStats' webstats directory. Can anyone suggest a way to get Drupal's stats working? Failing that, can anyone suggest a mod of .htaccess that would let me at the webstats directory? Would I have been better off to drop Drupal in a subdirectory of htdocs and then alias it to my base domain name?



crac’s picture

[1] statistics module

did you enable the loggin also in ?q=admin/settings/statistics?

[2] .htaccess

if you wont move drupal into an own subdirectory you need to add the following to .htaccess (I assume your webstats directory is called stats):

RewriteRule ^stats/(.*)$ stats/$1 [L,QSA]

I havent tested it, but it could work ... If not, I would move drupal to an own subdirectory.

wayneah’s picture

Going to the statistics directory as you suggested gave me the page I needed to enable the logs, and they started working instantly - thanks! The odd thing is, the only way to access statistics is by manually writing in the URL in the browser - it's not an option via administration/settings in my user menu, thought the online handbook says it is. Maybe that got left out of the latest version? Should I report it to the developers?


crac’s picture

strange, are you running CVS? at least here with 4.6.3 it is running. if you have problems I would file a bug report, as you said ...

wayneah’s picture

I'm not running cvs, but I did upgrade from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3 in a strange way. As my host offers no telnet access, I uploaded the new xmlrpc.php plus the includes and modules directories via ftp per some advice I found in one of these forums.


sepeck’s picture

Make sure cron.php is running on a regular basis or you will see nothing.

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