I've recently installed MAMP on my computer and downloaded my live site. From everything that I've read, clean urls should work out of the box with MAMP. However it does not for my site.

I've modified from AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All on both the httpd.conf and the httpd-std.conf files in the Apache folder. Stopped and restarted the Apache server.
I've made sure the .htaccess file is in the Drupal core directory.

Still I can't get clean urls to be enabled.

I've searched the MAMP forum and they just send everyone back over to Drupal.

Not sure what else to do.



cog.rusty’s picture

First, check your httpd.conf file to see whether mod_rewrite is loaded.

What <VirtualHost> sections do you have in httpd.conf and what exactly do they contain?

What URL are you using to access your Drupal site?
If the URL is http://localhost/drupal try setting RewriteBase /drupal in your .htaccess file.

To check whether .htaccess is ignored, try adding all the the lines of your .htaccess file beginning with RewriteEngine On directly into the <VirtualHost> section of httpd.conf and restart the server.

dorys’s picture

I had a 'duh' moment.

The problem was the .htaccess file. Instead of putting RewriteBase /drupal I had put the real path of /localhost:8888/htdocs/.

Thanks again.