I have 500+ articles in a Joomla 2.5 mysqli database. I've tried the joomla import modules, tried feeds, tried importing the csv -- all with no luck. Aside from the mind-numbing alternative of hand-entering each article, is there a bullet-proof import method?


vandana hemnani’s picture

how to add spam control modules for contact form. pls reply?

pdjohnson’s picture


you should find that http://drupal.org/project/migrate Migrate Module provides the answer to your problems. You will need to have some php knowledge to use it.

Failing that try looking at http://drupal.org/project/feeds Feeds Module.

There are several sessions from DrupalCon Denver on Migrate which you might find helpful to watch.

--Paul Johnson

srikuba’s picture


I have started using Drupal since couple of days. I am working on migrating a site from Joomla to Drupal 6. I could successfully import users and nodes. But on Joomla user is related to a gallery and various other works. I am unable to work out how can I get all the work related to a user and their galleries into Drupal?

Ex:On joomla's page it is something like {gallery}FolderName{/gallery}. This page is imported exactly the same way into Drupal. But how can i configure Drupal to import pictures from 'FolderName'?

Can you please provide some help and pull me out of this please?


duckzland’s picture

Not sure if there is ready made module to do it

but if you can built a drupal module, you can use php to read filenames in a folder and use node_save to save the filename to a drupal field (cck type file with image widget)

if you can use drupal why use others?

arthitst’s picture

I has same your problem for joomla gallery ({gallery}xxx{/gallery})
Can you fixed it?

lespaul4’s picture

Hi ithacaindy,

I came across your post and Im in the same boat. Have you found a solution to migrating from J1.5 to D7 yet?
It seems there is an upgrade module with versions of J1.x and J1.5 but not for J2.5 or at least not yet?? :(

Best of luck,

ithacaindy’s picture

What I eventually found to work was to create a Drupal 6 installation, use the Joomla to Drupal module built for D6. That imported the Joomla articles into the Drupal database. I then upgraded the Drupal 6 installation to the latest Drupal 7.x version. Like you, I wish there was a more straightforward way to import content from the latest version of Joomla.

Seb_CKSource’s picture

Just out of curiosity, what made you switch from Joomla to Drupal?

ithacaindy’s picture

Joomla has some very sexy off-the-shelf templates and is very easy-to-use if you don't wander too far out of the box. My problem was I don't operate a static site and Drupal welcomes the what-if questions. Drupal 7's user-interface is light year's advanced from the earlier days, making the "steep learning curve" no longer such a climb. At the same time, Joomla is advancing, erasing some of those sharp boundaries which can turn off users. In the end, the choice of Drupal is not a vote against Joomla. In the end, what platform you use to build a site makes zero difference to the reader, after all.

ithacaindy’s picture

You should check out the Joomla to Drupal module. It works flawlessly with Joomla 1.5 sites. I was having a problem with the module not importing Joomla 2.5 articles, but that problem is gone, placing the module in my 'must have' list for migrating.